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毕 业 设 计 毕业设计题目:基于模糊PID算法的恒温控制系统设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 系(院):物理与机电工程学院自动化系 专 业:自动化 班 级: 级 指导教师姓名及职称: 讲师 起止时间: 2010 年 10月—— 2011年5月 (教务处制表) 基于模糊PID算法的恒温控制系统设计 摘要: 在工业生产中,温度控制通常具有单向性、滞后性、大惯性和时变性的特点,所以实现温度控制的快速性和准确性,对于提高产品质量和生产效率有很重要的现实意义。单片机Based on fuzzy PID control temperature control system design Abstract:In industrial production, temperature control usually has one-way, hysteresis, large inertia and time-varying characteristic, the realization of temperature control of the rapidity and the accuracy, to improve the quality of our products and production efficiency has very important practical significance. This system design with the thermostatic water tank as controlled object, by microcomputer as the controller design a temperature control system, constant temperature range for 40 ℃ ~ 90 ℃ temperature, the temperature of a certain error within 0.5 ℃. In the control algorithm, due to the traditional PID algorithm its parameters Settings, the operation of the system, control environment changes, actuator parameters change and cause mathematic model of the system change, these parameters are not fit to change. And fuzzy control its advantage is not need to be controlled object, and the mathematical model according to artificially control laws governing decision table, and then by the quantity of decision control table, fuzzy control and PID control combined, you will get more flexible and adaptable fuzzy control, and can get PID control precision and static performance good points. Key words: Constant temperature box temperature control;PID control;Fuzzy control;SCM 目录 1 绪论..........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 设计背景及意义...................................................................................................................1 1.2设计要求及内容..................................................................................................................


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