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Company name LOGO Company name 主题: 1. 国情概况 2. 移动市场现况 3. 运营商资料 Company name 国情概况 国名:孟加拉人民共和国 (The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh) 面积为14.76万平方公里。位于南亚次大陆东北部的恒河和布拉马普特拉河冲击而成的三角洲上。东、西、北三面与印度毗邻,东南与缅甸接壤,南濒临孟加拉湾。海岸线长550公里。全境85%的地区为平原,东南部和东北部为丘陵地带。大部分地区属亚热带季风型气候,湿热多雨。全年分为冬季(11月~2月),夏季(3月~6月)和雨季(7月~10月)。全国有大小河流230多条,主要分为恒河、布拉马普特拉河、梅格纳河三大水系。 人口1.44亿(2007年), 85%左右的人口生活在农村. 人口密度达每平方公里900余人,是世界上人口密度最大的国家之一。孟加拉族占98%, 另有20多个少数民族。孟加拉语为国语,英语为官方语言。信奉伊斯兰教(国教)的占88.3%,信奉印度教的占10.5%。 Company name 国情概况 达卡(DHAKA) 首都,坐落在恒河三角洲平原梅格纳河和帕德马河的交汇处,是全国政治、经济和文化的中心. 人口约1000万(2005年)。? 主要节日: ? ? 开斋节(EID-UL-FITR):根据回历推算,每年有变化; ? ? 宰牲节,EID-UL-AZHA):根据回历推算,每年有变化; ? ? 独立日和国庆日(Independence Day):3月26日; ? ? 国民团结日(National Solidarity Day):11月7日; ? ? 胜利日(Victory Day):12月16日; ? ? 烈士日(Shaheed dibash):2月21日。 行政区划:全国划分为达卡、吉大港、库尔纳、拉吉沙希、巴里萨尔和锡莱特六个行政区,下设64个县。? Company name 移动市场现状 In Bangladesh, There have already been a number of consecutive years of strong growth (138% in 2005, 90% in 2006) in mobile subscribers, and this growth was continuing at 100%+ coming into 2007. Mobile penetration was 16% (20 million mobile subscribers) by March 2007. by 2008 the rate of subscribers will likely reach 22 million mark because of powerful economic growth of the country. At the present juncture, Telekom Malaysia - owned TMIB has got about 7 million subscribers. GrameenPhone, the telecom company Telenor has reached the market with more than 50% of the market shares. The other operators, CityCell, Bangalink and Tele talk are in the fray. Company name 运营商资料 Concept 运营商 Citycell Teletalk Banglalink Grameenphone Aktel Warid Company name Citycell CityCell (Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited) is Bangladesh’s pioneering mobile communications company and the only CDMA network operator in the country. It is a privately owned company with majority foreign ownership equity. Following lists the current owners of CityCell (PBTL): SingTel Asia Pacific Investments Pte Ltd - 45% Pacific Motors Limited


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