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本科毕业论文 市场经济条件下 企业筹资渠道和筹资方式的研究 作 者 扈加远 院 系 会计学院 专 业 会计学 指导教师 王振武教授 内 容 摘 要 本文试图在综合现有相关资料的基础上,就企业实施ERP中的若干问题做一下探讨。 本文现代企业施ERP成败的关键问题,阐述了ERP的内涵,以及我国施ERP的现状。论文重点讨论了ERP实施规划和前期准备,就实施规划的内容和具体准备工作提出了个人的看法,并了在现阶段企业实施ERP经常遇见的问题和应具有的基本认识。 个部分: ERP的概念、发展历程、作用以及我国企业实施ERP的总体状况。 ERP实施规划中的实施策略、步骤、具体项目等计划活动,浅谈了笔者的观点。 ERP的认识、人员观念的更新、规章制度的制定等问题;行动上的准备主要从ERP选型、业务流程重组、员工培训、硬、软件的准备、基础数据准备、人才储备等方面以探讨。ERP 实施规划 前期准备 业务流程 ABSTRACT This thesis attempts to probe into and to study on the problems of enterprises using ERP on the basis of synthesizing the existing relevant documents. It discusses about the key problem of success or failure around the modern enterprises in using ERP, explains the concept of ERP and the current situation of using ERP of our country. It discusses mainly about plan and prepare in earlier stage, and puts forward personal view on them. It also points out the enterprises should have the basic understanding on the questions that often meets in using ERP at the present stage and how to solve them. This thesis can be divided into four chapters: First, have introduced the concept, development course, function of ERP mainly and the overall state that the enterprises of our country in using ERP. Second, combining case, it discusses about the problems in plan, such as implementation tactics, measure, concrete project, etc, and simply talks about the authors view on them. Third, have introduced the contents of prepare in earlier stage mainly. Psychological preparation talks about the understanding of ERP, personnel renewal and rules and regulations of the enterprises. The preparation of action discusses mainly about the type of ERP selected, the business process reengineering, staffs training, hard and software plan, basic data plan and talent store. Fourth, it summarizes the viewpoints of this thesis. Key words: ERP Plan Prepare in earlier stage Business process 目 录 一、ERP概况 1 二、ERP实施规划 3 三、前期准备 4 (一)正确


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