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Climate conference Helen Team 1 Copenhagen Climate conference 2009 Russian polar bears adapt to warming, threats grow Copenhagen rally calls for real deal COPENHAGEN: Tens of thousands of climate activists from different countries rallied in central Copenhagen on Saturday to highlight the need for sealing a real deal in the UN-led climate change talks. The rally came as ministers were arriving for the higher segment of the talks that are tasked with achieving goals to avoid irreversible change in climate that scientists warn could be disastrous to the Earth. See threat of climate change with your own eyes. A little girl touches the melting ice sculpture of polar bear on the Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, Dec. 12, 2009. The life-sized sculpture will slowly melt over its exhibition from December 11 until 20 to reveal a dramatic bronze skeleton, as a symbol of the threat of climate change and the plight of the Arctic in particular A father and daughter watch the melting ice sculpture of polar bear on the Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, Dec. 12, 2009. Tourists watch the melting ice sculpture of polar bear on the Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, Dec. 12, 2009.? The activists converged on the citys Parliament Square, holding banners and listening to passionate speakers. There is no Planet B, one of the banners read. Some activists called on rich nations to commit to deep emission cuts and deliver on pledges of financial and technological support to help developing nations adapt to climate change. The world wants a real deal, another banner said. * *


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