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中文摘要 本设计的任务是养猪场污水处理工程的设计,要求是对污水处理进行整体的设计与规划。所提供的污水厂进水水质为:Q=3000m3/d,BOD5=3900-4900mg/L, CODcr=9000-13000mg/L, SS=3200-3500mg/L, NH3-N=450-650mg/L,pH=9.0~11.0。要求经过处理后出水水质为:BOD5=150mg/L, CODcr=400mg/L, SS=200mg/L, NH3-N=80mg/L,pH=6.0~9.0,最终满足《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596—2001)要求。 设计中采用的主要污水处理工艺是:氨吹脱——厌氧反应——生物接触氧化——消毒——出水。所涉及的具体工作是对工艺流程中的各个构筑物进行计算,确定其尺寸,对处理工艺中需要的各种设备进行选型,并确定污水处理场的平面和高程布置。本设计还对污水处理场的建设和运行费用做了初步的估算。最终的设计成果还有多分以CAD软件绘制的工程图纸,包括:污水场平面布置图、污水场高程布置图以及几个主要的处理构筑物。 关键词:养猪污水,氨吹脱塔,UASB反应器,生物接触氧化池。 Pig farm wastewater treatment engineering design Abstract This design task is raising pig factory wastewater treatment engineering design, the requirement is on wastewater treatment plant for overall design and planning. The wastewater treatment plant is provided for: Q = incoming water 3000m3 / d, BOD5 = 3900-4900mg/L, CODcr = 90-13000mg/L, SS = 32-3500mg/L, NH3 - N = 450-650mg/L, pH = 9.0 ~ 11.0. Demand for processed effluent BOD5 = 150mg/L, and CODcr = 400mg/L, SS = 200mg/L, NH3 - N = 80mg/L, pH = 6.0 ~ 9.0 Finally meet the livestock and poultry breeding standards for pollutants discharge (GB18596-2001) requirements. Design the major sewage treating technology is: ammonia to remove - anaerobic reaction - biological contact oxidation - disinfection - out of the water. The specific work is involved in various structures in process is calculated, determine its size, to process all kinds of equipment needed in selection and determine sewage treatment plant, the plane and elevation layout. This design of sewage treatment plant construction and operation costs makes a preliminary estimates. The final design results and points to CAD software rendering engineering drawings, including: sewage plant layout, sewage plant elevation layout and several main processing structures. Keywords: Pig sewage, Ammonia to remove tower, UASB reactor,Biological contact oxidation ponds. 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1养猪污水的来源 1 1.2养猪污水的特点 1 1.3养猪污水对环境的危害 1 1.4养猪污水的资源化 2 1.5养猪污水的处理方法 2 第二章 方案设计说明 7 2.1 工程设计资料 7 2.1.


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