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同步DS-CDMA信号的ADS软件建模及多用户检测 Synchronized DS-CDMA signal ADS software modelling and multiuser exam 同步DS-CDMA信号的ADS软件建模及多用户检测 摘 要:CDMA(码分多址)已经成为现在主流通信系统,这是因为它就有其它多址技术所无法比拟的优点:频率分配效率更高,抗多径效应能力强,宏分级能力,干扰抑制能力,软容量,低功率,软切换,频率划分简单,接入简单等等。 在CDMA通信系统中,各个用户是通过他们各自唯一的扩频码相互区分的,即通过正交扩频码来区分。如果各用户的扩频码并不是严格正交,也就是说互相关函数不为零,那么系统就存在多址干扰(MAI).另外CDMA系统是干扰受限系统,因此MAI将直接影响系统的容量。多用户检测技术能够有效抑制多址干扰,成为CDMA系统的关键技术之一。 本文首先介绍了DS-CDMA通信系统组成和同步DS-CDMA信号模型,然后介绍了多用户检测的基本模型的基本原理和自适应MMSE多用户检测方法;接着在Advanced System Design(ADS)仿真软件平台上实现了自适应MMSE多用户检测系统建模和仿真。最后通过观察干扰用户幅度增益和迭代步长的变化对系统误比特率的影响,分析了抗远近效应的性能,和迭代步长对系统性能的影响。 关键词:CDMA;多用户检测;多址干扰;加性高斯白噪声 Synchronized DS-CDMA signal ADS software modelling and multiuser examination [Abstract]:CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) has become the main communication system for the modern world because of its several features with which other multiple access technology can not compare: higher efficiency of frequency allocation, robust anti-multipath effect, macro diversity, suppression of interference, soft capacity, low power, soft handoff; simple frequency design ,easy access ,and so on. In CDMA communication system, the users are identified by their different spread spectrum codes which are unique to each user, namely they are identified by the cross correlation of spread spectrum codes. If the correlation of different spread spectrum codes is not zero, there would be multi-access interference(MAI). Additionally, CDMA communication system is a interference-limited system ,that is to say that the interference directly influences the capacity of this system. Multi-user detection(MUD) technique can suppress interference effectively and it has already become one of the key technologies of CDMA communications system. The components of the DS-CDMA communications system and the model of the synchronous DS-CDMA signal is introduced at the beginning of this paper. Then a model of adaptive MMSE multi-user detection system is simulated in the Advanced System Design simulative softwar



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