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一、艺术 艺术的目的:According to what Freud has said art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. Concerning with the inner world rather than with the outside one 艺术的作用: oldest definition of the function of the arts is that they provide pleasure(娱乐) present us with insight into what is eternal and universal(理解人性) can be denoted as "expressionism"- the artist's use of a medium to express unique passion and insight(作为表达方式) art at the service of leaders—the Church, the government, and the aristocracy(艺术为政府服务) The expression of private feelings and the criticism of society(表达私人情感,对社会的批判) A Renaissance painting of a Madonna(圣母玛利亚) and child, for many viewers, is somehow a revelation of transcendent spirituality;(超越精神的状态) a Beethoven symphony is the last word on human endurance贝多芬交响乐最后一章是对于人类的忍耐力 Beauty, many would insist, is the very hallmark of what is truly "art."美丽,很多人坚信,是真实艺术的特点 Some narrative arts (novel, film) instruct us to some extent. This works with moral reflect the human character. (反映人性) 艺术最初不被理解一个人的伟大是根据后人来评定的Yet, an ever-lengthening honor roll distinguishes works first received as unacceptable by resistant audiences 1. The paintings of Thomas Eakins, now recognized as among the greatest in the American tradition, were rejected as intolerable by his sitters. (Thomas Eakins的绘画作品,现在被认为是美国传统上最杰出的画家,但是曾经却被他的被画人所坚决抵制。) Van Gogh, two of whose still life paintings have recently broken all records in selling for $50 million, sold only one of his paintings in his entire career. 梵高,他其中的两幅作品最近打破了50万的售价。但是他的整个人生只卖出过一副作品 When the French gave the Statue of Liberty to our nation in 1886, the Augusta Chronicle -- in Georgia -- condemned it as a pagan image unsuitable to our country. 1886年当法国人把自由女神像给我们时,The Augusta Chronicle(美国的一个媒体公司)谴责这是异教徒的画像,不适合我们的国家 艺术的资助 为什么要资助?One idea is that culture makes us a better society; Federal


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