GracefulHands 英语课件.ppt

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GracefulHands 英语课件

Graceful Hands Pre-reading Activities *Questions & Answers Questions & Answers Reference Words: Reference Words: truly speaking, to be faced with, the law of nature, be put in the situation, psychological , suffer the most profound guilt of helplessness, physical, to make contacts with, conquer Text Structure Word Study decay loose secure drip faint slide naked outline hint interval blank episode n. ★1. [C] a period between two events or times, or the space between two points 间隔,间距 明天大部分时间是阴,有时转晴。 Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy, with a few sunny intervals. 2. [C] a brief period between the parts of performance 幕间休息,中场休息 中场休息才过3分钟,他就射入了他本场比赛的第一个进球。 He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the interval. ※1. without expression, understanding or interest; empty 茫然的,无表情的 ★2. carrying no information or mark 空白的,无字的,空着的 My questions only drew blank stares. 我的问题只招来茫然的凝视。 在表格末端有一空白处需要你签名。 There's a blank space at the bottom of the form for you to sign your name in. n. [C] an empty space 空白 事故发生后的情况,我什么都不记得了。 For me the time after the accident was a total blank. n. 1. ★[C] a single event or group of related events 一个事件,一组事件 被命名为本年度最佳运动员是这位棒球选手一生中的重大事件。 Being named the best athlete of the year was an important episode in the baseball player's life. 2. [C] one of the single parts into which a story is divided, esp. when it is broadcast on the television or radio. (尤指电视或无线电广播的)一集,一出,一部分 这是这部连续剧的最后一集。 This is the last episode of the serial. Thanks for your attention! Useful Expressions 2 1 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 14 15 11 13 12 Useful Expressions 活学活用 1.伸手去拉灯 ? to reach for the light (L. 6) 的确,没有钱我们无法生活,但是我们决不应该把手伸向公家的口袋。 It is true that we can’t live without money, but we should never reach for it in the public pocket. Useful Expressions 活学活用 2.用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人 ? to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye (L. 7) Seen with a romantic eye, living in m


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