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毕业论文--低噪声超低频功率放大器设计 ABSTRACT This paper mainly describes the design of a preamplifier with low noise performanceand the power amplifier with a frequency range from 0 to 100Hz. And the power of the whole circuit should be 300W above. This paper introduces the basic principles and circuit designs of the super low frequency power amplifier and low noise preamplifier, etc. The entire circuit is composed of 4 parts, namely, power supply, preamplifier, low-pass filter, power amplifier.The power supply provides a stable DC power for preamplifier, low-pass filter and power amplifier. The preamplifier’s main task is to complete the small-signal voltage amplification, and it also requires low noise. The low-pass filter’s main task is to realize the frequency selection. The power amplifiers main task is to realize the voltage amplification and as efficiency as possible to provide a large power to the load. This design uses the integrated circuits NE5532, UA741 and D-200W realize the design requirements, and simulation with Multisim software. The design of the circuit structure which takes full advantage of the excellent performance of the integrated amplifier is simple and practical. The experimental results show that the power amplifier and preamplifier have good index, higher practicability and provide a broad idea for power amplifier design in bandwidth, distortion degree and noise. Keywords: preamplifier, power amplifier, low pass filter, low noise, low frequency 目录 1 绪论 1 1.1 音频功率放大器简介 1 1.2 前置放大器及功率放大器的发展现状 3 1.3 本课题的研究内容及总体设计方案 4 2 基础知识介绍 5 2.1 放大器常见名词 5 2.2 前置放大器及功率放大器的相关知识 6 2.3 前置放大器的噪声 9 2.4 低通滤波器简介 11 3 芯片及软件介绍 14 3.1 UA741集成运放简介 14 3.2 NE5532集成运放简介 16 3.3 Protel 99 简介 19 3.4 Multisim10.0简介 23 4 放大器设计 26 4.1 系统设计基本要求 26 4.2 系统设计总体方案及框图 26 4.3 低噪声前置放大器设计 28 4.4 低通滤波器设计 30 4.5 功率放大器设计 34 4.6 总体电路原理图 40 5 测试结果 41 5.1 前置放大器测试结果 41 5.2 低通滤波器测试结果 44 5.3 噪声测试结果 48 6 结论 50 参考文献 52 致谢 54 附录 56 附录一 英文文献及翻译 56 附录二 总体电路原理图 73 1 绪论 功率放大器在家电、数


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