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UNIT 2 Renal Hypertension Background Knowledge Richard Bright: (1789-1858) English physician, father of nephrology Bright's disease布赖特肾病(一般指肾小球肾炎 glomerular nephritis) Background Knowledge Harry Goldblatt: (1891-1977) a Cleveland(克利夫兰,美国俄亥俄州东北部城市) physician and pathologist Background Knowledge In 1934 Harry Goldblatt placed a clamp on the artery leading to the kidney of a dog and produced the first animal model of chronic hypertension. Goldblatt proposed that the decrease in blood supply causes the kidney to release a vasopressor substance. Goldblatt was unaware of the earlier discovery of renin. The connection between the Goldblatt kidney and renin was not made until the 1950's when scientists delineated the renin-angiotensin system, which is the major mechanism the body uses to control blood pressure. Background Knowledge split renal function test: A test to determine various functional parameters of one kidney compared with the other kidney. Also called differential ureteral catheterization test 分侧肾功能试验 ureteral 输尿管的 catheterization 导管插入(术) You can have high blood pressure (hypertension) for years without a single symptom. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases your risk of serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. In 90 percent to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the American Heart Association says there's no identifiable cause. This type of high blood pressure, called essential hypertension or primary hypertension, tends to develop gradually over many years. The other 5 percent to 10 percent of high blood pressure cases are caused by an underlying condition. This type of high blood pressure, called secondary hypertension, tends to appear suddenly and cause higher


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