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《国际结算》双语试题库 模拟试题一
一、Standby L/C, 16. 原产地证书Certificate of Original 17. 成本加运费条件CFR
有条件承兑Conditional acceptance 19. 划线支票Crossed check
20. 投标保函(tender guarantee)
二、 名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)
1. 国际结算:是指两个不同国家的当事人,不论是个人间的、单位间的、企业间的或政府间的当事人因为商品买卖、服务供应、资金调拨、国际借贷,通过银行办理的两国间货币收付业务。
2. 汇票是由出票人向另一人签发的,要求即期、定期或在可以确定的将来的时间,向某人或其指定人或来人无条件地支付一定金额的书面命令。
3. 托收(collection)是委托收款的简称。是出口商或债权人开立金融票据或商业票据或两者兼有,委托托收行通过其联行或代理行向进口商或债务人收取货款或劳务费用的结算方式。
4. 可转让信用证,指信用证的受益人可以要求指定的转让行将信用证的权利部分或全部地转让给第三者的信用证。
5. 议付指信用证结算方式下的一种行为。即,出口地的一家银行应开证行的邀请和受益人的请求充当L/C项下议付行。该行在出口商提交全套货运单据后,经核验单据汇票确认无误后,对受益人垫付货款,再向开证行或其指定银行索回货款的过程和行为叫议付。分,共0分)判断题(本大题共小题,每小题分,共分
items Sight payment Deferred payment Acceptance negotiation restrictive free Bill of exchange Yes/no (1)No (1’) (2)Yes (1’) Yes/no Tenor of the bill (3)At sight(1’) (4)Usance (1’) (5)At sight/usance(1’) Payment time At sight future future (6)make payment at sight, minus interest(1’) Right of recourse (7)No (1’) (8)No (1’) (9)No (1’) (10)Yes(1’) 六、实务题(本大题共小题,共分)USD 47,259.00
(2) 20 April, 200-(3)at 30 days after sight(4) HUADONG EXPORT AND IMPORT CO., LTD (or order)(5) US Dollars Forty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Nine Only
(6)BANK OF SAIPAN(7)BETERFORD DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.七、案例分析(本大题共1题6小题,每小题3分,共18分)
Answer: No,(1分)in the list the goods description is not in compliant with the L/C advice, (2分)
Answer: He should contact importer and ask him amending the L/C as they arranged in the sales contract changing the goods description in L/C as “Golden” dye firstly with issuing bank, and secondly, ask the issuing bank transfer the amendment advices to the advising bank. (3分)
Answer: Yes, the advising bank (negotiating bank) will pay for it, (1分) for the documents is correct and in complaint with the L/C advice. (2分)
Answer: No, he can’t refuse, (1分)for the issuing bank issues a L/C in accordance with the application form of importer, and the advising bank (negotiating bank) has paid for it, the mistake is made by importer him