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基于FPGA控制的开关电源的仿真与设计 刘必旺 王宝忠 (常州信息职业技术学院 电子与电气工程学院 江苏常州 213164) 摘要:传统的开关电源数字设计方案大多基于单片机、DSP控制,但在实现PID控制算法的过程中使用软件设计常会带来程序跑飞的严重后果。FPGA的高速和硬件支持,使得实施PID等控制比软件模拟出来的效果更为优秀,还能克服程序跑飞。本设计采用MATLAB-SIMULINK首先进行软件仿真,分析并测试其可行性,然后利用ALTERA公司的DSP builder将仿真模块生成FPGA硬件描述语言,实现PWM波和PID的设计。在控制方面,定制的NIOS软核起到了MCU的作用,利用VHDL语言实现ADC0809状态机控制,最后设计出各个功能模块的电路以及整个系统图和相关的NIOS控制程序流程图。本文设计的以EP2C35F672C8为控制核心的开关电源系统利用软件仿真模型生成硬件代码语言在FPGA中实现,双重保证了设计的可行性,实现了较理想的闭环控制效果。 关键词:开关电源,PID控制,PWM波,FPGA,MATLAB 中图分类号:G 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Simulation and Design of High Power Switching Supply Based on FPGA LIU Bi-wang, WANG Bao-zhong (Electronic and Electrical Engineering College, Changzhou Vocational College of Information Technology, Changzhou 213164, China) Abstract:Traditional switching power digital design is mostly based on the MCU, DSP control, but using the software design process PID control algorithm is often accompanied by serious consequences Runaway. FPGA has the characteristics of high-speed and hardware support, making it out of the implementation of the PID control, the effect is more outstanding, but also to overcome the program running out. This design first used MATLAB-SIMULINK software to simulate, analyzed and tested its feasibility, generated the FPGA hardware description language which used the simulation module of DSP builder provided by ALTERA company to achieve the design of the PWM wave and PID. In terms of control, custom NIOS soft-core plays a role of MCU, using the VHDL language to realize the state machine control of ADC0809, finally to design each function module circuit and the system diagram and the flow chart of NIOS control program. This design takes EP2C35F672C8 as the control core of the switching power supply system using software simulation model to generate the hardware code language to be implemented in FPGA, double guarantee the feasibility of the design to achieve the ideal closed-loop control. Keywords: switching power supply, PID control, PWM wave, FPGA, MATLAB 0.


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