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外文原文: The effects of supplementary cementing materialsin modifying the heat of hydration of concreteYunus Ballim Peter C. GrahamReceived: 23 February 2008 / Accepted: 17 September 2008 / Published online: 23 September 2008AbstractThis paper is intended to provide guidanceon the form and extent to which supplementary cementing materials, in combination with Portland cement, modifies the rate of heat evolution during the early stages of hydration in concrete. In this investigation, concretes were prepared with fly ash,condensed silica fume and ground granulated blastfurnace slag, blended with Portland cement in proportions ranging from 5% to 80%. These concretes were subjected to heat of hydration tests underadiabatic conditions and the results were used to assess and quantify the effects of the supplementary cementing materials in altering the heat rate profiles of concrete. The paper also proposes a simplified mathematical form of the heat rate curve for blended cement binders in concrete to allow a design stage assessment of the likely early-age time–temperature profiles in large concrete structures. Such an assessment would be essential in the case of concrete structures where the potential for thermally induced cracking is of concern.Keywords: Heat of hydration _ Fly ash _ Silica fume _ Slag _ Concrete1 IntroductionSupplementary cementing materials, such as ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), fly ash (FA) and condensed silica fume (CSF), are now routinely used in structural concrete. Used judiciously, these materials are able to provide improvements in the economy, microstructure of cement paste as well as the engineering properties and durability of concrete. They also alter the rate of hydration and can influence the time–temperature profile in large concrete elements. This paper is aimed at an improved understanding of the way in which the early-age heat of hydration characteristics of concrete are altered by the addition of supplementary cementing ma


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