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手机淘宝软件设计 目 录 摘 要 1 第一章 淘机迷介绍 3 1.1需求分析 3 1.11设计背景 3 1.12设计目的 6 1.2运行环境 7 1.2.1开发环境 7 1.2.2运行环境 9 第二章 模块划分 9 2.1淘机迷首页 9 2.2我的淘机迷 10 2.3搜索 10 第三章 总体设计 10 3.1系统流程图 10 3.2功能的实现(主要的类) 11 第四章 详细设计 15 4.1初始化界面(wait类) 15 4.3 购买界面(buying类) 16 4.4 地址的填写和保存(address类) 17 4.5姓名电话号码的填写和保存( nameAndTelephone类) 19 4.6网上银行支付和支付宝支付(paymentStyle类) 21 4.7查询和控制( FirstView类) 22 4.8 视图加载(SecondView类) 25 4.9 XML文件解析(JSON) 27 第五章 总结与展望 28 5.1设计总结 28 5.2设计展望 29 摘 要 交流在现代社会正起着越来越重要的作用,作为交流工具的手机发展到现在,已经成为了现代生活的一个随身携带的必备品。摩托罗拉2004年的一项关于手机的调查中,其中一个问题“如果你只能随身带三件东西,你会带什么?”,用户回答是钥匙、钱包和手机。正是由于随身携带这一点,使得手机已经远远超过了一个交流工具这种概念,手机包含有键盘等必备配件(或软组件),可以成为基本的信息输入设备;分辨率越来越高的屏幕可以成为阅读、游戏终端;可以毫不夸张地说,手机已经成为一个集娱乐、时尚为一体的电子消费品,承担了制造欢乐、娱乐化的任务。Communication in modern society is playing a more and more important role as a tool of communication, the mobile phone development to the present, has become a modern life carry essential goods. Motorola 2004 on a mobile phone survey, one of the problems of if you could take three things, what would you take?” the user answers are the keys, wallet and mobile phone. It is due to carry on this point, the mobile phone has been far more than a tool to communicate this concept, mobile phone comprises a keyboard and other necessary accessories (or component), can be the basic information input device; higher and higher resolution screen can be read, a game terminal; Can say none exaggerative, mobile phone has become a set of entertainment, fashion as one of the electronic consumer goods, assumed make happiness, entertainment task. T is Chinas largest shopping site Taobao goods, daily trading volume is very surprising. However Taobao transaction has a limitation, is to conduct online transactions must use PC, if encounter unique situations, such as electricity, computer can not access, network instability, no computer and a series of conditions, let us not to conduct online transactions. Since the mobile phone portable and lightweight convenience, why cant we do mobile phone sof


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