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摘 要 随着经济和技术的发展,计算机网络在人们的生活中占有越来越重要的位置,同时由网络引起的安全问题越来越引起人们的重视,每年由于网络安全问题,比如黑客入侵,病毒感染等造成的经济损失每年递增,己经达到成千上万美元。现在的攻击技术越来越成熟,而且攻击技术非常的多样化,所以我们研究现在的攻击技术以及防御就显得非常重要。 本篇毕业论文,主要介绍目前主流的一些网络攻击技术以及防御技术,在本论文中,会先对这个题目来一个总的概括,然后会分章节分别介绍具体的网络攻击技术和网络防御技术,在最后一章会对网络入侵技术做一个MATLAB的仿真实验,会介绍几种目前几种主流的检测技术算法,会针对几种算法做一个比较。 通过本论文,可以让大家对网络攻击技术和网络防御技术有一个初步的认识和了解。 关键词:网络攻击 ;网络防御;MATLAB仿真实验 ABSTRACT With the economy and the development of technology, computer network in people life plays more and more important position, also caused by network security more and more attention, every year due to the problem of network security, such as hackers, viral infections, such as increasing the economic loss caused by each year, oneself to the thousands of dollars. Now attack technology becomes more mature, and attack technology is very diverse, so we study the attack technology and the defenses now appears very important. This thesis, mainly introduces some of the current main network attack technology and defense technology, in this thesis, will first about this subject to an overall summary, then points respectively to introduce the chapters of network attack technology and network defense technology, in the last chapter of network intrusion technology will make a MATLAB simulation experiment, will introduce a few kinds of several recent mainstream detection technology for several algorithm algorithm, a comparison. Through this paper, can let everyone to the network attack technology and network defense technology have a preliminary understanding and the understanding. Keywords: network attack; Network defense; MATLAB simulation experiment 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 i 第1章 绪论 1 第2章 网络攻击和防御技术概述 2 2.1 网络攻击技术概述 2 2.1.1 网络攻击技术概念 2 2.1.2 网络风险的主要原因 2 2.1.3 网络攻击的步骤 3 2.1.4 网络攻击的原理 3 2.2 网络防御概述 5 2.2.1 网络安全主要特性 5 2.2.2网络安全分析 6 2.2.3安全技术手段 7 2.2.4安全类型 7 2.2.5一些威胁因素 8 第3章 主流的网络攻击技术 9 3.1 IP地址欺骗攻击 9 3.1.1 IP地址欺骗攻击的概念 9 3.1.2 IP地址欺骗攻击的原理 9 3.1.3IP地址欺骗攻击的防范措施 10 3.2 计算机病毒攻击 11 3.2.1什么是计算机病毒 11 3.2.2


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