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2015南京大学MTI英语翻译硕士真题解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 211翻译硕士英语 1.改错 One child, one teacher,one book, one pen can change the world”. Idealistic perhaps, but teaching is ajob that makes a significant impact to every single student. A job that doesn’treally feel like work,teaching allows you to make a significant contribution to the individuals inyour care, and society as a whole. Thismakes teaching one of the most fulfilling careers, rewarding both the teacher and student as they developtogether. Sharing your knowledge, educating and nurturing students to think bythemselves, and seeing them make progress is what inspires the hundreds of thousands of teachers across America to get out of bedevery morning. Few otherprofessions can boast such a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Therole and importance of a teacher it is all too easy to overlook. Teachers are responsible for planning theirlessons according to the latest curriculum, making lessons interactive to helpstudents absorb information better, and understanding each of their student’s needs in terms of what suits themand finding teaching methods that work best accordingly. 2. 阅读 跟去年一样,没有变化,主题是 Superintelligence 讲了什么是超智能,可能给人类带来什么危害,以及目前的解决办法。如果你看过美剧 Personof Interest 你就能理解了。 第一题,根据文章内容选答案; 第二题,给出英文解释,去段落中找词语; 第三题,近义词选择; 第四题,总结文章内容,回答是什么,为什么和怎么办三个问题; 第五题,先读一篇文章,然后回答你是否同意这个小哥哥的观点,并简要说说为什么。 阅读题型跟去年一样。 3. 写作 中文是否可以取代英语成为a lingua franca? 说明理由,至少2点,约500词。 357翻译基础 1.词组互译 FIFA IOC WWW GNP 网上交易平台 中国国家旅游局 localarea network 知识产权 转基因食品 科学发展观 其他还有什么第三产业啊都是往年考过的,大家注意看最近几年的真题就好,么么哒~ 2. 句子翻译(3句) -亚洲各国就像一盏盏明灯,只有串联并联起来,才能让亚洲的夜空才能灯火辉煌。 -中央政府号召各地方利用当地优势和特点开发出口型拳头产品。 -为了进一步发展开放型经济,上海出台了一系列措施吸引外资,建立企业,包括中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业。(好几天了,记不太清了) 3.篇章翻译 英到中 Thescientific interest of American history centered in national character and theworkings of a society destined to become vast in which individuals wereimportant chiefly as types. (借鉴了别人的帖子,强大的记忆力也是醉了) 中到英


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