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GRE作文 issue按高频来了提纲

Issue 高频 按高频来了:主要是熟悉思路。2007/3/23 Brufeng 参考: seven_teen网络资源等 题号 总频率 题号 总频率 51 178 152 76 144 152 120 75 48 133 87 70 36 132 141 70 41 132 150 70 130 124 70 69 185 114 136 69 38 106 88 67 50 102 221 67 83 102 121 64 17 96 160 64 103 89 177 63 208 89 26 61 47 88 56 61 147 88 159 59 43 87 69 58 4 83 99 58 154 83 212 56 7 82 74 55 11 78 31 53 说明:!!按照高频的顺序,点击题号定位到题的位置,点击连接可直接连接到网络,点击至顶可回到顶部!! 51 Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student. [05/90; 06/7] 只有针对每个学生的需要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义。 topic line: Position: Student-centered education is the most effective way to help students learn. A. The traditional teacher-centered education ignores the individual needs and interests of each student, which proves counterproductive. B. Student-centered education can most effectively involve individual students in the learning process. C. However, winking at students’ unreasonable desires would only result in chaos in education. 1.怎样衡量有效的教育,教育的定义 2. 不同的教育阶段是否应该有不同的目的? 学生不感兴趣的但是有用的知识技能是否要学呢?由于现实条件的限制,很难做到完全的满足个人的兴趣和需要specifically导致片面 以前的讨论,经典! /bbs/viewthread.php?tid=601576highlight=issue51 至顶 144 It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value. *a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc. [05/75; 06/11] 是艺术家而不是批评家,带给社会一些具有持久价值的东西。*批评家指经常评价艺术作品,例如小说、电影、音乐、绘画等的人。 Partially agree 艺术家是很好类 From the Creeks to our days, there is no art created by critics but by the artists. The artists play a vital role in creation and the dramatic progress of art. In the development of art, it is Picasso that pioneers the territory of image school in paintings; it is Mozart that composed the miraculous Magic Flute; it is Austen who wrote my favorite novel The pride and prejudice showing the unique landscape of country life in Medieval Britain. The consequential artworks not only influence the people living before but are appreciated by m


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