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GRE句子填空讲义 杜昶旭 透过现象看本质 常见的现象 GRE是所有英语考试中最难的! GRE比托福难!考完了GRE再看托福就跟玩儿一样! GRE需要20000单词才行! GRE的句子都不是人话,正常人从来不这么说! TOEFL考的是英语能力,GRE考的是考GRE的能力! …… 本质究竟如何? ETS对GRE的阐述 The GRE General Test contains three sections that assess knowledge that has been acquired and developed over a long time. GRE综合测试包含三个部分,它们所评测的,是考生长期获得和积累的知识。 Verbal Reasoning: Assesses the ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, and recognize relationships between words and concepts. Content is balanced among the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. 文字推理:评测考生分析和评价文字材料并整合其中所获得的信息的能力,分析句子成分之间的关系的能力,以及理解词与概念之间关系的能力。测试内容涵盖人文科学、社会科学和自然科学。 Quantitative Reasoning: Tests basic mathematical skills and understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, as well as the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. Content is balanced among questions requiring arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis. 数量推理:测试考生基本的数学技能和对基本数学概念的理解,以及数量推理和定量解决问题的能力。内容涵盖算术、代数、几何和数据分析等问题。 Analytical Writing: Tests critical thinking and analytical writing skills, as well as the ability to articulate and support complex ideas, analyze an argument and sustain a focused and coherent discussion. 分析性写作:测试考生独立思考和分析性写作的技能,清晰地阐述和支持复杂观点的能力,以及分析论证过程和进行集中和连贯的讨论的能力。 GRE不是一种“英语考试”,而是“用英语”进行的能力测试(“Test in English”); 对比:TOEFL是一种“英语考试”; 能力:推理、分析、评价、理解、整合、独立思考; 范围:人文科学、社会科学和自然科学; 耐心:GRE考查的是知识的积累而不是短时间掌握的技巧。 缺陷 分数:GRE分数对于申请的意义以及自我设定目标(参见附表) ETS对文字推理部分和句子填空的阐述 The verbal ability measure is designed to test the ability to reason with words in solving problems. Reasoning effectively in a verbal medium depends primarily upon the ability to discern, comprehend, and analyze relationships among words or groups of words and within larger units of discourse such as sentences and written passages. 文字能力的评测通过测试考生在解决问题过程中用单词进行推理的能力来完成。在文字中进行有效推理,主要依赖于辨别、理解和分析词汇、词组、以及更大的语言单位,如句子和文章,之间关系的能力。 The purpose of the sent


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