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ROGRAM FOR MOORING TEST OF HULL PART 共 35 页 船体部分系泊试验大纲 HS409-946-01SG 第 2 页 目 录 一、PROGRAM FOR MOORING TEST 系泊试验 1、Anchor 锚机2~7 2、Mooring winches 系泊绞车 8~10 3 、STEERING 舵机 11~16 4、Bow Thruster 艏侧推 17~19 5、Lifeboat Davit 救生艇吊 20~23 6、Manifold Davit 多用途吊 24~28 7、Accommodation ladder and Pilot ladder 舷梯,引水员梯 29~32 8、OF DOORS, WINDOWS AND COVERS 门、窗、盖33 9、CONTAINERS TEST 试箱 34 10、Sundries Davit 杂物吊 35 面积:0.0625 m2 ROGRAM FOR MOORING TEST OF HULL PART 共 35 页 船体部分系泊试验大纲 HS409-946-01SG 第 3 页 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 总述 1. This schedule covers operation tests and acceptance during mooring tests. The sequence of every item is determined by the management responsible for the construction of vessel. 本大纲包括系泊试验,各项目的试验程序由负责船舶建造的管理部门决定。 2. Prior to starting of tests, persons involved should make themselves familiar with operation instructions and relevant ship design drawings. 在各项目试验开始前,各有关人员应熟悉该项目的使用说明书及相关的施工设计图 纸。 3. This program covers simultaneous tests of equipment involved together with the acting jointly system. 本大纲所包括的各设备以及与其相关联的各系统可以同时进行试验。 4. Record of delivery-acceptance tests are to be witnessed by the classification surveyor if it is required. 试验需由船级社验收时,试验记录须经船级社验船师过目。 5. Owner’s representatives can attend the tests of all items. 船东代表可参加所有项目的试验。 6. The results of tests will be recorded in stipulated forms by surveyor of



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