[初一英语]新目标英语七下Unit 8 Section A B课件.ppt

[初一英语]新目标英语七下Unit 8 Section A B课件.ppt

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[初一英语]新目标英语七下Unit 8 Section A B课件

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles Section A 1a-1c noodles chicken tomatoes Grammar focus Section A Can I help you ? (1)这是服务用语,可根据不同的服务场合翻译成不同的意思。如:在餐馆,可以翻译成:“你想吃点什么?”在商店,则是“你想买点什么?” (2)类似的服务用语还有What can I do for you ?此句的本义为:“我能为你做点什么?”它与Can I help you?是同义句。 Would like 的用法: 1、would like something 想要某物。 2、would like to do something 想要做某事。 3、would like somebody to do something想要某人做某事。 Useful expressions Unit 8 I’d like some noodles Section B 1a-2c rice soup 1a Match the words with the picture. 1. g orange juice 2. dumplings porridge green tea rice soup onion fish 1.-Would you like some more? -——.I’m full. A Yes,please B I’d love to C No,I would not D No,thanks 2.I would like a cap of tea.( )(从4个选项中选择一个与句中画线部分意思相同或相近) A want B borrow C carry D know 3.There are few____in the fridge.Let’s go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbages. A vegetables B fruit C meat D eggs cabbage orange juice soup dumplings specials banana apple ice cream medium orange juice green tea Give reasons for your menu: Food for dinner Food for lunch Name 1. Work in groups and ask: What would you like for lunch/ dinner? 2. Then make a report I’d/ We’d / He’d/ She’d/ They’d/ Ben would/ like… Act in groups or pairs as the waiter(服务员) and the customers(顾客). Work in groups or pairs to buy things for the party. Make a survey: What do you like? name I like…,… and … I don’t like…, …or…. He/She likes…,… He/She doesn’t like…. Give a report like this: Task: Discussion I’m a Chinese .I like to eat at home or in a Chinese food restaurant. Would you like to eat at home or eat out? Why?Where else? Homework: Task: Workers wanted 一家新开张的饭店要招聘员工,要求编写食 物广告。学生自己组合搭配,设计广告。评出最 佳广告创意奖,并展示他们的成果。 Homework: 1、了解父母所喜欢的食物,并为家人 配制一星期的菜谱,说明理由。 2、完成Self check. (把课堂知识与实际生活联系起来,使所学的语言知


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