Unit 10 Shipping l的etters.ppt

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Unit 10 Shipping l的etters

Unit 10 Shipping letters;;;Categories of Terms of Shipment — Time of shipment;Categories of Terms of Shipment — Partial shipment;Categories of Terms of Shipment — Transshipment; The seller should let the buyer know as soon as the shipment is effected, by sending the buyer the shipping advice together with a set of shipping documents.;The date and number of Bill of Lading The date and number of the Contract the names of commodities and their quality and value the name of the carrying vessel the name of the shipping port/loading port the estimated time of departure (ETD) the name of the destination port the estimated time of arrival (ETA) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ;B/L 提单 ;What is bill of lading? — It is the most important shipping document. — It is a contract between the shipper and the shipping company; — It is a receipt for the consignment; — It is a document of title.;2、提单的性质和作用:;;二、提单的种类 1、根据提单有无批注条款可分为“清洁提单(clean B/L )和“不清洁提单”(unclean B/L)。清洁提单是指货物在装船时表面状况良好,船公司在提单上未加任何有关货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。不清洁提单是指船公司在提单上加注有货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。例如:2 packages in damaged condition--2 件损坏;ironstrap loose or missing--铁条松失  ;; 指示提单是指提单上的抬头人一栏仅填“凭指定”(to order)或“凭某某人指定”(to sb’s order 或to the order of sb) 字样,这种提单经过背书后可转让给他人提货。 背书的方法,有“空白背书”和“记名背书”,前者指仅由背书人在提单的背面签字,而不注明被背书人的名称;后者是指背书人除在提单的背面签字外,还列明被背书人名称; On Board B/L (已装船提单) Received B/L (备运/待装提单) Clean B/L (清洁提单) Foul B/L (不洁提单) Straight B/L (直交提单/不转让提单) Order B/L (指使提单/指定收货人提单) Ocean B/L (远洋提单) Local B/L (当地提单) Stale B/L (陈旧提单) Negotiable /non-negotiable B/L (可转让/不可转让提单) Ocean B/L (远洋提单);Reading;=;Points for attention ;Reading ;Sample letter 4;Sample letter 5;Sample letter 6;;; 5. Shipment :; 5. Shipment : patterns substitutions;; exercises: Translation; 5. Shipment : exercises;Useful expressions;;;;Translation:;;;;;;;;Writing ;;;;Practice


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