Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes╲t Period 1.doc

Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes╲t Period 1.doc

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Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes╲t Period 1

课题 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Period 1 教 学 目 标 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary: allow, drive, pierce, driver, license, silly (2)Structure: should be allowed to 2. Ability Objects (1)Train students’ listening skill and communicative competence. 3. Moral Object Students should do what they are allowed to do and avoid doing what they aren’t allowed to do. 教 材 分 析 1. Teaching Key Points Target language The structure:should be allowed to 2. Teaching Difficult Point The structure: should be allowed to 实 施 教 学 过 程 设 计 Step Ⅰ Revision Show the following on the screen by a projector. go out at night collect stamps be alone at home ask the teacher questions drink milk read English magazines eat eggs write letters Ask students to make sentences with the phrases above using the structure used to. Both statements and questions are acceptable. Step Ⅱ 1a This activity focuses on vocabulary words and the structure should be allowed to. Show the new words on page 18 on the screen by a projector. allow v.允许,准许 drive v.驾驶;驾车 pierce v刺穿;刺破 license(=licence) n.执照;许可证 silly adj.愚蠢的;傻的 Say the words and have students repeat over and over again until they are pronounced fluently and accurately. Write the words can do and can’t do side by side on the blackboard. Then ask students questions about things that their parents say they can and can’t do. T: Wei Ming, do your parents let you play soccer ball after school? W: No. They say I must put my heart into studies. T: I see. (Write play soccer ball under can’t do on the blackboard.)Liu Chang, do your parents let you surf the Internet? L: Yes. It is helpful to my study. T: I see. (Write surf the Internet under can do on the blackboard. ) ?Ask some more questions and add more examples to both columns. Ensure th at the blackboard ends up like this. can do can’t do surf the Internet play soccer ball ? ?Now write on the blackboard the headlines is allowed


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