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An Evaluative Report of London Fashion Weekend 2013 1.Introduction London is one of the birthplaces of fashion creations. Designers can fully perform talent here, thus fashion design industry has been born here and thrived for decades. Dynamic, creative and charming can be explained the annual London Fashion Week. (d’Ovidio, 2010, p354) Each year in February, more than 50 trendy designers will hold their newest shows at London Fashion Week. There are also many outstanding exhibitions, parties and performances at that period. Whether at the T-stage, museums and galleries, or in famous restaurants, bars, nightclubs, or just in the city streets, the whole city show splendid clothing everywhere. Besides showing, numerous trading and consuming also happen here, which improve the fashion and tourism industry largely. (Aspers, 2010, p189-207) 2013 London Fashion Week lasted from 14th February till 24th February this year. The formal shows were held between 15th to 19th, which belonged to internal fashion shows and commercial activities. The following London Fashion Weekend allowed the public to take part in and get in touch with powerful London fashion culture which started at 21st and ended at 24th. The main activities were shopping and exhibitions. I have always been interested in the fashion industry, and I had also received a designer friend’s invitation, so I participated in this important annual event this year, witnessed several fashion shows and a series of exhibitions. As a customer, my overall experience was every nice. However, I also had some disappointing experience due to the management and some other factors. Thus I make an evaluative report based upon the critical observation of London Fashion Week 2013.(London Fashion Week website , 2013 ) 2.Research strategy Before attending the event, I made a checklist in order to record every detail I observed and made critical evaluation of London Fashion Week 2013. My goal is to make the most out my London Fashion W


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