大学英语四级听力模拟题(Model Test 14).doc

大学英语四级听力模拟题(Model Test 14).doc

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大学英语四级听力模拟题(Model Test 14)

大学英语四级听力模拟题 Model Test One Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A A) Go over the list. B) Go shopping for his mum. C) List everything his mum needs. D) Go for an outing. A) The man did most of the talking. B) The woman was wearing a black sweater. C) The man and the woman robbed the bank. D) The man and the woman had dark hair. A) His phone was disconnected. He needs to make phone calls. Using the email will decrease his telephone expenses. His friends would rather hear his sound on the phone. 14. A) He doesnt have anything to do. He believes she is wrong about the pick-up time. Before lunch is a great time to pick up the document. Time passes very quickly. 15. A) Buy Frank a new car. B) Have lunch with Frank. C) Teach Frank how to drive a car. D) Help Frank repair his car. 16. A) The room they are going to move into. The yard of their old house. The quality of the furniture they bought. The feeling they have of their neighborhood. A) Its too expensive to hire taxies. B) He doesnt like the suburbs. C) He cant afford the high taxes. D) The rent is too high. A) She thinks her son has almost everything he wants. She is not sure whether an MP3 player is a nice gift. She finds it hard to find a proper gift for her husband. Shes afraid she cant afford everything the mans father wants. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) Because he wants to improve his language skills. Because he wants to enter a US college. Because his friend wants to attend a US university. Because his friend wants to improve English for a better job. A) Literature. B) US Culture. C) TOEFL. D) Business English. A) It offers courses for people who want to improve their special professional skills. It offers job opportunities for people who have studied in it. Its programs allow students to study in the US. The students can take its courses locally in their home country. 22. A) $2,030. B) $2,013. C) $2,300. D) $2,330. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the


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