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1.so…that 2.feel like 3.羊毛,羊毛制品 4.in front of 5.in the setting sun 6.as usual 7.可信赖的,可靠的 8.look around 9.be surprised by 10.n.风景,观点;v.观看,考虑;11.seem to 12.at one point 13.find sb. doing sth. 14.牦牛 15.go down the hills 16.stop to do sth. 17.make camp 18.put up 19.枕头;20.stay awake 21.at midnight 22.for company 23.在…下面 24.火焰,热情 25.can hardly wait to do sth.…; Reading and speaking;Have you ever been to Tibet?;;Potala Palace 布达拉宫;snow mountains;Traditional clothes; yak 牦牛;sheep;;;A Night in The Mountains;skimming;( )1. They reached Tibet in winter. ( )2. Wang Wei always rode in front of me. ( )3. When we reached a valley, it became warmer. ( )4. They went to sleep early in their tent. ( )5. Their cousins will join them in Dali. ;detailed reading ;;;Imagine that in the morning there is a dialogue between Wang Kun and Wang Wei. What do you think they would say before they leave camp?;A: You looked tired. B: Yes, I stayed up the whole night. A: Really? B: Yes, I watched the stars and the clear sky. A: Great! That must be pretty. B: Yes, they were. Look at the sun and the clouds. A: How nice! B: Now, lets go on our trip. ; ;Listen to the tape and mark the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentences fromTo climb the mountains...to...T-shirts and shorts. Then practise reading it aloud. J:\Unit 3\课本录音\Using Language-Reading and discussing.mp3;The End;homework


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