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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Career in Consulting for Computer Science Majors Vince DeGiulio Accenture - Associate Partner Purdue CS ‘87 Types of Consultants Application Programmer System Administrator Technical Specialist IT Consultant/Analyst Application Programmer Description Hired Guns of Programming - Contractor Many Languages/Tools Project Types Application Development Application Maintenance Project Duration: Several Months to Years Clients: Usually Large Companies Demand: Always High, but Requires Periodic Re-tooling of Skills System Administrator Description Provide Technical/User Support Project Types Set up/Maintain LANs, PCs, User IDs, etc. Install Software Support Help Desks Project Duration: Years or Multiple Clients at Once Clients: Large and Small Companies Demand: High, Increasing as Companies Look More to Outsource Support Functions Technical Specialist Description Expert in Specific Technology/Product (ie. Web Development, Object Oriented) Project Types Application Development/Maintenance Performance Reviews Product Sales Support Project Duration: Days to Few Months Clients: Large and Small Companies Demand: High when Specialty is Hot IT Consultant/Analyst Description Client’s Partner - True “Consultant” Solve Business Problems through Technology Project Types Business Application Development Technology Strategies Project Duration: Many Months to Years Clients: Usually Large Companies Demand: High Consulting = Variety Technologies/Vendor Software Industries/Clients Applications Geographic Locations Responsibilities People Technologies/Vendor Software Technologies Change - Only Limited by Yourself Not Limited to Your Companies Products Your Degree Suited for this Variety My Experiences Different DBMS (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Teradata, MS-Access, IMS) Different Platforms (Mainframes, Servers, PCs) Different Languages (HTML, C, Visual Basic, COBOL, Vendor Specific) Industries/Clients What’s an Industry? Type of Work can Vary by Industry Can Cha


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