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把握好面试的前十分钟(上) 发布时间:2012-1-19 11:50:44 A hiring manager can often tell if youre the right fit for his or her organization just minutes after the two of you shake hands. In a Robert Half survey, executives polled said it typically takes them only 10 minutes to form an opinion of a candidate during an employment interview, despite meeting with staff-level applicants for nearly an hour, on average. 招聘经理往往能在与你握手几分钟后就看出你是否适合他/她们公司。在Robert Half的一次调查中,参与投票的执行官说,虽然一般来说员工应聘平均要持续近一小时,但面试中一般只需要10分钟就能形成对一位应聘者的看法。 With such a short amount of time to interact with a hiring manager, how can you evoke a positive response? Projecting confidence and enthusiasm is key, so keep the following advice in mind: 在这么短的时间内和招聘经理交流时,怎样才能激发你做出积极的回应呢? 表现出自信和热情是关键,所以把请牢记以下建议: Dress to impress. For better or worse, a good part of the impression an interviewer first forms of you depends on how youre dressed. So wear a nice suit or business-appropriate dress, even if you know the office to be a casual environment. 从着装上留下好印象。不论好坏,面试者对你的一大部分印象要取决于你的穿着。所以穿上漂亮的套装或职业装,即便你知道办公室是一个宽松随意的环境。上海商务英语口语 Remain calm. One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters. Plan to arrive at the interview destination 10-15 minutes early. This will give you time to compose yourself and relax a little. 保持镇定。留下良好第一印象的最好办法之一就是消除面试前的紧张。提前10-15分钟到达面试地点。这样会让你有时间镇定下来、放松一下。 Show some respect. Many hiring managers ask everyone who has interacted with a candidate -- from administrative staff to members of their department -- for feedback on the prospective employee. So be pleasant toward those you meet and avoid the urge to hold a loud cell phone discussion in the elevator or lobby. 表示出尊敬。许多招聘经理会询问每一个和应聘者有过交流的人——从管理人员到部门职员——以获得对未来员工的反馈。所以对于那些你见过的人要亲切,不要在电梯或者休息室大声讲电话。 Break the ice. Small talk plays an important role in the interview by helping to break the ice and put both parties at ease. If the hiring manager asks if traffic was heavy or if you had problems finding your way to the office,


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