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Unit Five To Lie or Not to Lie —the Doctor’s Dilemma * The title: a parody To be or not to be. – Shakespeare To lie or not to lie. The government of the people, by the people, for the people. – John Kennedy The government off the people, buy the people, far the people. …to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? -- to increase the speed of the recovery or to prevent the coming of death from being noticed? approach--to come near or nearer, as in space or time 接近靠近或靠得更近,如在空间或时间上 Spring approaches. 春天近了 The dog remains alert all the time and recognizes its master’s footsteps as he approaches the house. 这只狗总是很警觉并且辨认这主人走近房子时的脚步声。 The performance approaches perfection. 性能近乎完美 the approach of night. 夜幕降临 -- The method used in dealing with or accomplishing a logical approach to the problem. 对问题的逻辑解决步骤 In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs:… -- in medicine as in other trades such as law, government, etc., the requirements of honesty often seem less important compared with other greater needs. line --ones trade, occupation, or field of interest 职业,兴趣某人的职业或兴趣所及 What line of work are you in? 你的工作是什么? dwarf –to cause to appear small by comparison 通过比较使显得矮小 He dwarfs other dramatists. 他使其他剧作家相形见绌。 His children were dwarfed by insufficient food. 他的儿女因营养不良而发育不全。 Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for truth’s sake… -- We doctors have long been guided by a principle that is above the goodness of telling the truth as an end in itself, and the principle is that we must try our best not to do our patients any harm. uttering the truth of truth’s sake -- telling the truth as an end in itself, regardless of the consequences. for the sake of – for the purpose/ motive/ advantage/ good/personal benefit or interest/welfare of… 为了……的目的、缘故、利益、好处、个人的利益、兴趣、好处…


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