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中小学音乐课的教学设计略探 音乐专业学生 郝小萌 指导教师 李美丽 摘要:在全社会都提倡“素质教育”和“全面发展”的今天,中小学音乐教育作为美育教育的重要载体,仍远远落后于时代的要求。新的课程改革给音乐课教学理念带来巨大的变化,对音乐教学设计提出了新的要求,要以学生为主体。音乐教学设计从整体来看,教学目标的设计必须明确,操作性强;过程的设计应新颖独特,能够体现教材的特点和教师的创意;教学手段的设计简洁有效、符合学生情趣;教学方法的设计能体现时代的特征和鲜明的音乐文化特色;教学媒体的设计能充分发挥信息技术的作用。总之,音乐教学设计要成为实现课程标准提出的“情感态度与价值观”和“知识与技能”目标,并通过教学设计落实课标中的“过程与方法”。所以,音乐课堂教学当以通过教学及各种生动的音乐实践活动,培养学生爱好音乐的情趣,发展音乐感受与鉴赏能力、表现能力和创造能力,提高音乐文化素养,丰富情感体验,陶冶高尚情操。 关键词:教学内容;教学设计;学习兴趣 Primary and secondary school music class teaching design of Student majoring in music Haoxiaomeng Tutor Li Meili Abstract:In the whole society to advocate the quality education and all-round development today, primary and secondary school music education is aesthetic education important carrier, is still far behind the requirements of the times.The new curriculum reform for music teaching philosophy brings great changes to the design of music teaching, puts forward new requirement, must take the student as the main body.The design of music teaching from the point of whole, teaching goal design must be clear, strong operability; process design is novel and unique, can reflect the characteristics of teaching materials and teachers creative teaching methods; design is simple, consistent with the interest of students; the design of teaching methods to reflect the era characteristics and distinctive musical culture; teaching media the design can give full play to the role of information technology.In short, music teaching design should become implementation course standard puts forward the emotion attitude and values and knowledge and skills, and through the implementation of curriculum teaching design of process and method.So, when in the music classroom teaching through various teaching and practice of lively music, students love music life, the development of music perception and appreciation ability, expressive ability and creative ability, improve the musical and cultural accomplishment, rich emotion experience, edify sentimen



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