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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 技术人员绩效考评体系研究 院(系) 经济管理学院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 姓 名 学 号 导 师 2011年 6月 勤美达技术人员绩效考评体系研究 摘 要 绩效考评是现代人力资源管理的核心,可以为员工招聘录用、岗位轮换、职位升迁、薪酬调整、员工培训发展等人力资源管理活动提供翔实的资料和信息,也是提高企业管理水平、调动企业员工积极性和创造性的重要措施。经济竞争说到底是人才的竞争,是人力资源综合素质的竞争。 技术人员分类形形色色,类型多样。譬如工厂一线生产车间的技术人员和IT类技术人员特点就大相径庭,考评内容也相去甚远。企业专业技术人员是企业技术的主要创造者和掌握者,其重要的人力资本地位已被广泛认同。本文主要研究苏州勤美达精密机械有限公司的技术人员绩效考评体系研究,该公司的技术人员的主要工作是对于客户所给的样图,进行加工制造,以及解决在此过程中出现的各种问题,然后将最终的样品交给客户。 本文通过调查研究,首先找出勤美达公司在对技术人员进行绩效考评中存在的主要问题:第一,技术人员绩效考评指标体系不科学,第二,技术人员绩效考评执行不规范,第三,缺乏明确的绩效考核原则与考核标准。然后分析出存在问题的主要原因,第一,高层的轻视与忽略,第二,缺乏绩效考评沟通。最后提出相应的解决对策。 关键词:技术人员 绩效考评 KPI The Research of Performance Appraisal System of Technical Personnel in SuZhou CMS Machinery Co., Ltd Abstract Performance appraisal is the core of the modern human resource management, It can provide full and accurate data for staff recruit and employ post rotation position promotion salary adjusting and so on. And the same time it is important measure to improve the management level of enterprise arouse the enthusiasm and creativeness of staff. Economic compete is talented person compete and human resource composite quality compete in the final analysis. Technical personnel are various. Such as first production workshop technicians in factory and technique kind of IT is widely divergent, evaluation personnel characteristics are also different. e Specialized technical personnel is the main creator and master of enterprise technology and its important human capital position has been widely recognized. This paper mainly studies SuZhou CMS Machinery Co., Ltd’s technical personnel performance appraisal system research, the companys technical personnels main work is given to the customer the sample figure processing manufacturing, and solve problems which appear in the process of various, then will eventually give samples to custom


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