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编号 无锡太湖学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 0911848 学生姓名: 徐聪 指导教师: 周春林 (职称:讲师 ) (职称: ) 二〇一三年月 摘 要 ABSTRACT The exports of textiles in china play an important role in foreign trade. Every year, the exports of textiles are in the first place in the world ,which not only brings many jobs for our people but also promote the development of china’s economy .obviously, the exports of textiles determine the trade status in china and the development of textile industry of south of Jiangsu province. However, due to the financial crisis and appreciation of RMB, the orders are being reduced. The costs of labour are very higher and the exports of textiles in Jiangsu province are becoming slower and slower and profits of company are in the reduction. Under the complicated international background, we need to know the shortage ourselves and find the effective measures to solve them as soon as possible. The paper firstly introduces the background of choosing the topic and intention and the research status at home and abroad and elaborate the concept of fabrics. Secondly, it in recent years analyze the exports trade of textiles in Jiangsu province and state of development .At the same time, the paper analyze s the problem of the exports of textiles according to the internal and external factors .At last , we solve the problem through the angle of firm and industry and government ,which can promote the good development of textiles in Jiangsu province and increase the profit of company . KEY WORDS: Textiles, Exports trade, Countermeasure analysis 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1选题的背景和目的 1 1.2国内外研究情况 1 1.2.1国内研究情况 1 1.2.2国外研究情况 1 第2章 纺织品概述 3 2.1 纺织品的定义 3 2.2 纺织品的特点 3 2.3 纺织品的分类 3 第3章 江苏省纺织品发展出口现状 5 3.1 江苏省纺织品发展状况 5 3.2 江苏省纺织品出口状况 6 3.2.1 对外贸易出口额分析 6 3.2.2 出口区域情况 6 第4章 江苏省纺织品出口存在的问题 7 4.1 从内部因素分析 7 4.1.1 出口量大,但利润不高 7 4.1.2 纺织品工价的上涨 7 4.1.3 营销网络体系不健全 7 4.1.4 缺乏产品创新意识 7 4.1.5 纺织品出口结构单调 8 4.2 从外部因素分析 8 4.2.1 贸易摩擦、壁垒不断 8 4.2.2 国际纺织品市场竞争激烈 8 4.2.3 受人民币的升值的


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