2014职称英语(理工B)概括大意与完成句子Ward off Travel Bugs.doc

2014职称英语(理工B)概括大意与完成句子Ward off Travel Bugs.doc

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2014职称英语(理工B)概括大意与完成句子Ward off Travel Bugs

第十三篇? ?? ???Ward off1 Travel Bugs 1 As the holiday season approaches, so does the prospect of jet lag, an upset stomach or sunburn2. With care and some help from natural sources, however, it is quite possible to avoid these problems. 2 You can start to prepare a couple of weeks before you leave. Food poisoning will make any holiday miserable, but by taking some medicine such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria3, you can reduce the likelihood of succumbing to4 poisoning brought on5 by food or water tainted with unfamiliar bacteria. 3 By improving the bacteria balance in your digestive tract, you crowd out the pathogenic bacteria and stop them gaining a foothold.6 The beneficial bacteria also produce gentle but effective natural antibiotics in your gut. 4 In many holiday locations you need to remember the basics: drink bottled water, avoid undercooked meat and ensure that food hygiene is adequate. If you do succumb to food poisoning, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and see a doctor. However,if you detect diarrhea early enough, you might like to try taking about 10 or 15 pancreatic digestive enzymes, which can digest the multiplying bacteria before they take over. 5 Taking a teaspoon of silicol gel7 can also help. This lines the stomach and upper intestinal area and binds with bacteria and viruses,allowing them to be safely passed out of the gut. When you pack, include grapefruit-seed extract8, which is an excellent all-round anti-bacterial, anti- parasitic,anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. 6 Your flight can also be made more pleasant. Peppermint oil and ginger capsules9 ward off motion sickness,but a more delicious option is to nibble on crystallized ginger. If you tend to get earache on take-off and landing,you can use special earplugs with filler that slows down the rate of change in air pressure. 7 The greatest concern is “economy class syndrome”, the popular name for deep-vein thrombosis, which can lead to blood clots traveling from the legs to the lungs, h


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