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与霍金一起探索宇宙\N《时间旅行》(中英文字幕对照) 大家好,Hello. 我是斯蒂芬·霍金My name is Stephen Hawking. 物理学家 宇宙学家Physicist, cosmologist, 有时也是一个梦想家and something of a dreamer. 尽管我行动不便 说话要借助电脑Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer. 但在精神世界中 我是自由的In my mind, I am free. 自由地去探索宇宙Free to explore the universe 探究深奥的问题and ask the big questions. 比如 时间旅行可能吗Such as is time travel possible? 我们能打开通往过去之门吗Can we open a portal to the past? 或者找到通往未来的捷径\ Or find a shortcut to the future? 我们最终能利用Can we ultimately use the laws of nature 自然规律操纵时间吗to become masters of time itself? 一起去探索吧Check it out. 时间旅行 时间旅行曾一度被当作科学邪说Time travel was once considered scientific heresy. 由于害怕被贴上科学怪人的标签I used to avoid talking about it 我过去常常避免谈及此事for fear of being labeled a crank. 现如今 我不会再顾虑这些But these days, Im not so cautious. 实际上 我更像是建造巨石阵的那些人In fact, Im more like the people who built stonehenge. 我对时间着迷了Im obsessed by time. 若我有台时间机器If had a time machine 我想去拜访鼎盛时期的玛丽莲·梦露Id visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime 或者去拜访正用望远镜or drop in on Galileo as 眺望星空的伽利略he turned his telescope to the heavens. 我甚至想穿越到宇宙的尽头\ Perhaps Id even travel to the end of the universe 去探寻宇宙的完整故事结局to find out how our whole cosmic story ends. 要验证这些想法能否实现To see how this might be possible, 我们需要像物理学家那样we need to look at time as physicists do 以四维的角度看时间as the fourth dimension. 四维时空并不像听起来那样令人费解Its not as hard as it sounds. 所有的物体 甚至是我和我的椅子All physical objects, even me and my chair, 都是三维的exist in three dimensions. 任何事物都有宽度 高度和长度Everything has a width and a height and a length. 但是还存在另一种维度 即时间维度But there is another kind of length -- a length in time. 与人类的80余年寿命相比While a human may survive for 80 years, 这些石头延续得更久远these stones will last much longer 甚至长达数千年-- for thousands of years. 而太阳系则能达到数十亿年And the solar system will last for billions of years. 所有事物在时间上都有长度Everything has a length in time, 在空间内同样如此as well as space. 时间旅行意味着Traveling in time means 穿越第四维时空traveling through this fourth dimension. 为更好地理解 我们以日常旅行为例To see what that means, lets do a bit of


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