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「星耀.水乡」楼书文案 (封面/logo/slogan:七彩国度 梦境水乡) (2P/图片建议:飞跃在彩云之上,隐约地望见梦境国度) 七彩国度 梦境水乡 被灵山秀水、花海湿地拥围的乐土,出奇丰饶的七彩国度… Dream on THE AQUA in the Colorful Land A paradise surrounded by mountain, water and flowers, an abundant and colorful land… (2P/星耀·水乡总序/小标题比照视频/图片建议:星耀·水乡全景俯视图) 星耀·水乡 这是一片生机勃勃的土地,一个让人充满幻想的灿烂世界… 星耀·水乡座落于昆明嘉丽泽湿地,紧邻中国第四大门户级国际机场,30多平方公里的旅游度假区规划,星耀·水乡约7,500亩的总体规划,居住建筑占地面积仅20%,与大自然和谐共构出三大植物主题运动园、国际马术俱乐部、生态湿地公园、乡村垂钓俱乐部、综合运动中心、精品主题酒店、国际会议会展中心等十多项超规格配套,全面满足高尚居住、度假、旅游、休闲商务需求,是一家老小亲友共筑生活的终极梦想,更将成为人间伊甸园,心灵栖息地。 THE AQUA It’s a vigorous and splendid world makes people full of imagination… THE AQUA is located in Jia Lize wetland in Kunming, neighboring with the fourth biggest international airport in China. This vocational resort area is planning to take more than 30 square kilometers. Taking7,500 acreages of area as planned, only 20% in THE AQUA will be used as residential architecture area. Sport Theme Park with different plants, Equestrian Club, Ecological Wetland Park, Countryside Fishing club, Comprehensive Sports Center, Theme Resort Hotel, Conference Center and other supporting facilities will be built in THE AQUA, too. This will fulfill all visitors’ living, vacation, travelling and leisure needs. Sooner or later, THE AQUA will become the dreamland of people who search for Eden in this busy world. (2P/图片建议:彩色梯田、巨大湖泊群等云南最具代表性图片,高空俯瞰) This may be the best in the world to keep paradise, no maybe, here is the human end of Eden. —— James Hilton,British writer 这里也许是世界上保留最好的世外桃源, 没有也许,这里就是人类最后的伊甸园。 —— 詹姆斯·希尔顿,英国作家 云南 全球游客向往的旅游朝圣地 彩云之南,物宝天华,自古多元民族在此和谐共生,发展出独具特色的文化传统,以动植物王国、香料王国、有色金属王国著称于世;北有雪山冰川,南有热带雨林,西有三江并流,东有喀斯特岩溶地貌, 中有众多的高原湖泊,丰富多变的景致令人惊叹。 Yunnan The Holy Land of Travelers All Over the World In Chinese, Yunnan means “south of clouds”. With abundant resources and long history of multi-national coexistence, Yunnan has evolved its own culture. It is also well-known as the kingdom of plant, spice and nonferrous metal. With snow mountains in the north, tropical rain forest in th


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