高考单词词组第三轮 复习七 abandon-comment教师版.doc

高考单词词组第三轮 复习七 abandon-comment教师版.doc

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高考单词词组第三轮 复习七 abandon-comment教师版

高考单词词组复习children / his hope 有能力做sth have the ability to do sth 出国 go abroad 有得到..的机会/享用…的权利(access) have / get access to 全神贯注于 be absorbed in 缺席 be absent from 习惯于 be accustomed to = be used to 指责sb sth accuse sb of sth = charge sb with sth 起着……的作用 act as 添加,增添 add to 收养一个孩子/采用一个政策 adopt a child / policy 有超越sb的sth的优点 have an advantage (of sth) over sb 非常同意 I can’t agree with you any more. 以……为目标 aim at doing / sb / sth 允许sb去做sth/允许做sth allow sb to do / allow doing 实现sb的志向 achieve / fulfill / realize one’s ambition 使sb感到开心的是 to sb’s amusement 对sb感到恼怒 be annoyed at / with sb 急切的去做sth be anxious to do 电器 electrical appliance 向sb申请sth. apply to sb for sth 因为sth为sb鼓掌 applaud sb for sth 因为sth/做sth向sb道歉 apologize to sb for (doing) sth 呼吁sb去做sth appeal to sb to do sth 破坏对sth的胃口/欲望 spoil / ruin sb’s appetite for sth 指定sb为 appoint sb as 如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。 I’d appreciate it if you could help me. 安排sb去做sth arrange for sb to do sth 对sth/做sth很惭愧 be ashamed of/at/to do sth 布置sb sth assign sb sth 请假/自寻烦恼 ask for leave /trouble 把A和B联系起来 associate / combine A with B 向sb保证sth assure sb of sth 五百名观众 an audience of 500 观众多/少 a large /small audience 记住sth bear / keep sth in mind 因为sth应该受到指责 be to blame for sth 吹嘘sth boast about sth 用sth来贿赂sb/贿赂sb去做sth bribe sb with sth / bribe sth to do 撞上 bump into 顺便拜访sb call on sb 号召sb去做sth(call) call on sb to do 在校园里 on campus 支持/反对sth的运动 a campaign for / against sth 万一发生火灾 in case of (fire) 看见(catch) catch sight of 负责/由某人负责 in charge of / in the charge of sb 品种丰富,选择范围广 a wide choice of 使sb振奋起来 cheer sb up sth的线索 the clue to sth 对sth进行评论 comment on 精通,掌握 have a good command of 把A和B联系起来 associate / combine A with B 临近 be close to I can’t agree with you any more. 非常同意。 first aid 急救 from a ( different/ unusual/ strange) angle 从一个(不同的/不寻常的/奇怪的)角度 tear sth apart 把sth撕碎 apart from 除了sth之外 fall apart 瓦解/崩溃 works of art 艺术品 under the authority of sb


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