基于改进型脉冲MPPSK调制的WSN节点建模 分析.pdf

基于改进型脉冲MPPSK调制的WSN节点建模 分析.pdf

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基于改进型脉冲MPPSK调制的WSN节点建模 分析

Hans Journal of Wireless Communications 无线通信, 2015, 5(6), 119‐125  Published Online December 2015 in Hans. /journal/hjwc  /10.12677/hjwc.2015.56017    Modeling and Analysis of WSN Node Based on Improved Pulse MPPSK Modulation Henjun Wang, Lenan Wu Radio Engineering Department, Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu      th th th Received: Nov. 7 , 2015; accepted: Nov. 28 , 2015; published: Dec. 8 , 2015  Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.  This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).  /licenses/by/4.0/    Abstract The nodes of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are key part of the Internet of things. The life of the battery is an important factor which restricts its development. Pulse MPPSK modulation, which is suitable for the communication mode of WSN nodes, has a higher energy utilization rate than con‐ tinuous MPPSK modulation. In this paper, we model the WSN node based on the improved pulse MPPSK modulation, and derive the formula of the energy consumption per bit. At the end of this paper, the simulation results are carried out according to the distance between the nodes. Keywords Improved Pulse MPPSK Modulation, WSN System Modeling 基于改进型脉冲MPPSK调制的WSN节点建模 分析 王何浚,吴乐南 东南大学信息科学与工程学院,江苏 南京     收稿日期:2015年11月7 日;录用日期:2015年11月28 日;发布日期:2015年12月8 日  文章引用: 王何浚, 吴乐南. 基于改进型脉冲MPPSK 调制的WSN 节点建模分析[J]. 无线通信, 2015, 5(6): 119‐125.   /10.12677/hjwc.2015.56017  王何浚,吴乐南 摘 要 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network


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