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2015-2016学年度八年级下学期能力训练题二 一 完形填空 Mr. and Mrs. White live in a big city. They have a son named Tom. His hobby is 1 . When he comes home from school, he always goes to his room and just reads books. He 2 plays outdoors (在户外). One day, Mrs. White said to her 3 , 揑t is not good for our son’s health 4 in the city all the time.?So they found a small house in the 5 . They took him there for a vacation. They left home at eight and got there at eleven in the morning. When they 6 the house, Tom ’s mother said, 揌ow 7 the air is!?And then she said to Tom, 揥e are going to stay here for a week.? Tom ran into the house. A few 8 later, he ran back to his mother and said, 揑 canWhen ’t find a desk.?His mother answered, 揥e came here to spend our vacation in the country. You 9 play outdoors and not read books here. Enjoy your vacation!? Tom 10 , 揙h, how terrible!?1. A. writing B. reading C. singing D. drawing 2. A. alrs. Wways B. usually C. sometimes D. never 3. A. son B. child C. husband D. daughter 4. A. to live B. living C. to play D. playing 5. A. city B. forest C. country D. mountain 6. A. got B. arrived C. reached D. left 7. A. clean B. dirty C. hot D. cold 8 A. weeks B. minutes C. months D. years 9. A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. should D. mustn’t 10. A. laughed B. cried C. asked D. answered 二 阅读理解 A The Slow Food Movement is an international movement. It began in Italy in 1986 and tried to stop a McDonald’s from opening near the Spanish Steps in Rome. The movement now has over 100,000 members in 132 countries around the world. The Slow Food Movement is about a way of living and eating. It is a global, grassroots movement that links the pleasure of food. Cario Petrini thought that everyone should enjoy delicious food from healthy plants and animals. He also believed that our food should be nutritious and good for our bodies; i


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