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A Comparative Study of Chinese and English I Translate the following expressions with “吃”: 吃牛排 2. 吃麦当劳 3. 吃公款 4.吃不了兜着走 5.吃请 6. 吃闲饭 7.吃老本 8. 吃劳保 9. 吃大锅饭 10. 吃利息 Key: eat steak 2.have one’smeal in McDonald’s 3.dine on public funds 4. get more than one bargained for 5. accept an invitation to dinner 6. lead an idle life 7. live off one’s past gains 8. live on pension 9. share food from the same big pot 10 live on one’s interests II Write at least fifteen synonyms of each of the following words: 1. be good at 2. die 3. be absorbed in 4. regard…as Key: Be good at: 1. be excellent in 2. be at home in 3. be versed in 4.be strong in 5.be proficient in 6.be an adept in 7. be accomplished in 8. be deeply read in 9. be expert in 10. be learned in 11.be a proficient in 12.be an expert in 13.be perfect in 14. be well up in 15.be well posted up in die: 1.be dead 2.pass away 3.meet one’s end 4.sleep the final sleep 5.breathe one’s last 6.join the majority 7.meet one’s doom 8.meet one’s fate 9.go west 10.sleep with one’s fathers 11.fall asleep 12. give up the ghost 13.gasp one’s life away 14.turn up one’s toes 15.one’s number is up be absorbed in: 1.be deep in 2.be engrossed in 3.be immersed in 4.be buried in 5.be wrapped up in 6.apply one’s mind to 7.give one’s whole mind to 8.keep one’s mind on 9.have one’s heart in 10.devote oneself to 11.concentrate on 12.be intent on 13.be versant with 14.have …on the brain 15.bend the mind to regard …as : 1.take …as 2. see …as 3.have …as 4.read …as 5.consider…as 6.look at…as 7.view…as 8.keep…as 9.look upon …as 10.count …as 11.speak of …as 12.repute …as 13.recognize…as 14.interpret …as 15. greet …as III Write at least fifteen synonyms of each of the following Chinese expressions: 1. 死 2. 精通 3. 喜爱 Key: 死 翘辫子 2.断气 3.蹬腿 4. 见阎王爷5.见马克思 6.见上帝 7.上西天 8.长眠 9.不在了 10.逝世 11.与世长辞 12.去世 13.牺牲 14.弃世 15.去极乐世界 精通 1通晓 2.如数家珍 3.很熟悉 4.到家了 5.擅长 6. 有造诣 7.了如指掌 8.娴熟 9.完全知道 10.彻底了解 11.是专家 12. 是行家 13.是大家 14.是


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