必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 学案1.doc

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必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 学案1

必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 学案一 一.学习目标: 知识目标:1.To understand the short passage’s main idea. 2. To know following words and phrases It can be proved that, agree with, nor I do, rather than 技能目标:To make sentences with restrictive attributive clauses and non-restrictive attributive clauses. 情感目标:To build love for Chinese culture 二.自主学习: 语篇导读 Daisy’s experience In ____1 ___ A(n)___2___ took her there. She discovered that antelopes___3__ for the wool. As a result, they are now a(n)___4___. In Zimbabwe The government allowed tourists to ___5___ only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. The number of elephant is ___6____ Good things are being done to save local wildlife. Daisy’s experience In a thick ____7____ A monkey used a millipede insect which ____8____ a powerful drug to ____9____ itself from mosquitoes. Result The flying carpet took her home. She had __10____ so much 三.探究合作: 1.Die out 灭亡;( 风俗,习惯等 )逐渐消失 (1)As a result these endangered animals may even _____________ . 结果,这些濒临灭绝的动物甚至可能绝迹。 ( 2 )Much to our sorrow, many rare animals _______________ . 令我们难过的是,许多珍稀动物灭绝了。 ( 3 )Some old traditional learning methods _______________ . 一些陈旧的传统的学习方法正在消失。 拓展 Die of 因……而死( 一般指死于内因,如疾病,饥饿,情感原因等 ) Die from因……而死( 一般指死于外因,如外伤,车祸,污染等 ) Die away( 声音,风,光等 )慢慢变弱,渐渐消失 Die down( 兴奋,火等 )渐弱,渐息,平息 Die off( 家庭,种族等 )相继死亡,( 草木 )先后枯死 用适当的介词或副词填空 Elephants would die _________ if men were allowed to hunt as many as they wished. About 4,000 people in America died ___________ A ( H1N1 ) flu last year. He died ____________ a wound in his chest. She waited until the footsteps died _____________ . The fire is dying __________ . Please add some wood to it. His parents have died ____________ in the last two years, which made him very sad. 2.Hunt vi . vt .打猎;猎取;搜寻 1) Winter is the best time for ____________ in mountainous areas . 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间 2) He spent the whole day __________ deer. 他一整天都在打鹿。 3) I’ve ____________ everywhere _______ my watch but I can’


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