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2013年高考英语常用短语 一、动词 + 介词/副词 短语 例句 Act on照……行事 He acts on principles. answer for对……负责 You will answer for what you’ve done. Arm...against带武器以防 He armed himself against wild animals. agree with同意(某人) I agree with her. agree to同意(建议等) They agreed to the proposal. apree on(in)同意商定(问题,条件等) They agreed on the question. arrive at/in到达(某地) He arrived in Nanjing at five o’clock yesterday mornring. Atm at 瞄准 He aimed the gun at the bird. Ask after 问候 My fater asked after you. Ask for 请求 The boy asked for more food. borrow...from从……借来 He borrowed a like from Mary. believe in 信任 We all believe in her. belong to 属于 The house belongs to me. burst into突然……起来 She burst into tears at the news. begin at从(页)开始 Today we shall begin at page 40. Babe...on 根据 he based the conclusion on experiments. beat about the bush绕弯子 Tell me the truth. Don’t beat about the bush. Consist of由……组成 The society consists of five members. congratulate……on祝贺 We congratulated her on winning the contest. come to an end 结束 The talk come to an end at ten. compare...to 把……比作 He compared the young to the rising sun. compare...with同……相比 She compared the blue pen with the red pen. carebr喜欢;照料 He doesn’t care for playing football. Change...for用……交换 He changed his radio for a recorder. ChanSe from...to从……转到 She changed from team A to team B. clear up 放晴 The weather cleared up in the afternoon. come across偶然碰到 I came across an old friend in the street. come into想出;进入 An idea suddenly came into my mind. ca11 up 打电话 I shall call her up soon. Csll for 叫(人) He will call for you in the evening. call for 为……叫喊 He heard someone calling for help. cdll on 访问(某人) She will call on a friend on Sunday. cdll on 号召 The Party called on us to study hard. Cure...of 治愈 Fhe medicine cured him of his pain. depend on 依靠 He depended on his mother in life. disagree with与……意见不同 He disagreed with her over the plan. Die of 因……病、饥饿等而死 The man died of cancer. Die from 因……


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