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美剧词汇精讲:《神盾局特工》Break台词:Lincoln: His names James. Hes a demolitions expert. Australian.Former mercenary. Few weeks after I got there, Jiaying caught him breaking into her private archives and banished him.林肯:他叫詹姆斯,是个爆破专家,他是澳大利亚人,当过雇佣兵。我到来世几周后,嘉颖发现他闯入了她的私人档案室,就赶走了他。Break:To break something is to change it, usually in a way that is?undesirable?or destructive.打破某样东西即改变了某个东西原本的状态,这种变化往往是具有破坏性的、始料不及的。The waiter broke a bottle of wine.那个服务员打破了一瓶红酒。The bottle is broken.(在这个句子里,broken作为形容词。)这个瓶子是坏的。A ball went through the window and broke it.一个球横飞过来,把窗户打破了。Broken glass was everywhere.到处都是玻璃渣。Hes breaking his guitar.(有时候break这个动作含有有意为之的意思。)他故意将他的吉他弄坏。Edwards girlfriend broke up with him.(这里含有结束一段感情的意思。)爱德华的女朋友提出了分手。He has a broken heart.(这里的broken同样作为形容词。)他的心碎了。Bernardo is just about to break. He cant take the stress of his position at work.贝纳多要崩溃了。他不能承受工作的压力。In some cases, its necessary to break something or change it so that it is more useful:在某些情况下,为了使某样东西更加有用,我们有必要打破它或是改变它。In order to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.如果要做蛋卷的话需要打散很多鸡蛋。When using a large bill such as a 100-dollar bill, some stores might not have enough money on hand to break it.(这里的break是找零的意思。)当我们使用面额较大的纸币时,一些商店可能没有办法找零。If someone enters your house illegally, he or she breaks in.如果某人非法闯入了你的房子,那么你可以用“break in”Todd was caught breaking into someones house.托德因非法闯入民宅而被逮捕。Breaking and entering is a serious crime.未经允许闯入私宅是重罪。After he was arrested, tried, convicted, and given a ten year-sentence, he broke out of prison.他在经历了被逮捕,审判,定罪,判定为10年有期徒刑以后,最终决定越狱。In these sentences, break is an adjective.下面的句子里,break作为形容词。In breaking news, a?cease-fire?was announced by both sides.最新消息:双方宣布停战了。Leonard is broke.雷纳德破产了。Break dancing is a form of dance that originated in urban areas in the United States.霹雳舞是一种舞蹈,最早出现在美国的乡村地区。Cynthia has a broken arm.辛西娅的胳膊折了。As a noun, the word break has many different meanings:作为名词,break有很多意思:I need to take a break.我需要好好休息。Our class took a ten-minute break.我们课间休息十分钟。Many college stu


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