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Unit8. I’ll help clean up the city parks. 重点词组 1.chean up 打扫干净cheer up sick kids 使振奋.give out = hand out 分发advertisements分发广告 7.volunteer in an after-school study program 志愿参加一个课后学习项目 volunteer to do sth志愿去做某事 volunteer one’s time to help other people志愿花时间帮别人 8.put off sth, put off doing sth推迟think up sth = come up with 想出put up sth = put sth on the wall 在墙上张贴It takes sb + 时间+ to do sth 人 spend + 时间//金钱 + doing sth/ on sth 19. a major commitment一项重大贡献 20. at a local elementary school在当地一所小学 21. plan to do sth = plan on doing sth计划去做某事 22. to be a veterinarian当兽医 23. sing for groups of people为成群的人唱歌 24. feel good about doing sth做某事感到愉快 feel good about helping other people帮助别人感到开心 25. get to do sth开始做某事 26. Not only..., but also....不仅......,而且......。 Not only...but also...连接两个并列句时,Not only开头部分倒装,(助动词/ Be动词/ 情态动词+主语) Not only does he like music, but also he likes art. Not only...but also...连接两个主语时,其后动词跟后面的主语保持一致,就近一致原则 Not only you but also he likes music. Not only he but also his parents like music. 27. coach a soccer team for little kids训练一支足球队 28. 人 run out of sth = 人use up sth Sth run out = Sth be used up 29. take after= be similar to与......相像(在外貌、性格等方面) look like外貌像 30. fix up=repair sth 修理.put sth to use 把…投入使用give away sth to sb 赠送某人某物work out fine/ well 效果、结局很好’s my pleasure.(帮忙后)It’s one’s pleasure to do sth 很乐意做某事blind/deaf people 盲人/聋人be able/unable to do sth 能/不能做某事 447. normal things 一些普通的事情 48. face the challenge 面对挑战 . use one’s arm well 很好的使用某人认的手 . answer the telephone 接电话. open/shut doors 开/关门 carry sth 搬运某物be difficult for sb 对某人来说很困难a photo of me 我的一张照片et a specially trained dog 得到一只特别训练的狗=six-month training =six months’ training 六个月的训练 59. feel lucky to do sh做某事觉得很幸运 60. because of your kind donation 因为慈善募捐train to do sth 训练做某事fetch one’s book 取来某人的书.support sb 支持某人 65. understand different instructions 明白不同的指示 66. appreciate sb 感激某人67.bring home 带回家 68.be used to do 被用于做某事 69. 练习: 一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。th


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