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基础知识及语法:动词的时态与语态 复习 复习要点: 重点单词 survive, select, design, fancy, remove, explode, sink, compete, host, replace, advertise, deserve, solve, explore, anyhow, goal, type, arise, electronic 重点短语……, think highly of, take part in, stand for, be admitted as, as well, be in charge of sth, make a bargain with, one after another, from then on, as a result, so…that…, human race, signal to sb, in a way, with the help of, deal with, watch over 重点句型 There is no doubt that…毫无疑问 This is why/ where/ how/ when/+ 从句 连词+分词(v-ing/v-ed)的省略结构 so … that … 重点语法 动词的时态与语态 基础攻关 一:用下列单词的适当形式填空。 1. Few birds managed to _____________ (survival) the winter last year. 2. I am ______________ (considerate) changing my job. 3. Do you have any _____________ (evident) to support you are not guilty? 4.Beijing is the ____________ (culture) and political center of our country. 5. Our school gave a _____________ (receive) to the visitors. 6. He ____________ (light) a match. 7. The two friends were _____________ (compete) for the position. 8. Last night Tom dreamed that he went on a ____________ (magic) trip. 9. That’s a ________________ (technology) problem. 10.I ____________ (person) didn’t believe what he said at the meeting. 二:请根据中文意思完成下列句子。 他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。Some experts of the world _______ _______ ___ his paintings. 2. 有很多人出席了会议,其中三分之二属于同一个学校。 There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom __________ _________ the same school. 3. 那些男孩去找吃的东西去了。The boy went ________ ________ __________ something to eat. 4. 昨天他参加比赛了He _________ ________ the game yesterday. 5. 他参加了罢工。He ______ ______ ____ the strike. 6. 学生一个接着一个走出教室。The students went out of the classroom _________ ___________ ___________. 7. 在我看来,这食物不够。_____ __________ ____________, the food is not enough. 8. 你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。It’s not surprising you’ve got stomachache. _________ _________ you have eaten too much. 9. 在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作______ _____ ______ my computer, I could finish my job in time. 10. 在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。___ _________


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