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首先_____________first of all/ to begin with 起初_____________at first 第一次___________ for the first time 某人第一次做某事时____________the first time +句子 在开始的时候__________ in the beginning/at the beginning of … 同时____________meanwhile/ at the same time 过了一会____________after a while 从那时起____________ since then/ from then on 直到现在____________up to now 不久以后__________ before long 之后不久____________________It’s not long before... 随着时间的流逝_____________________As time goes by,   就我而言_____________as far as I am concerned 众所周知___________ As we all know/ As is known to all 正如这样的情况… ________As is the case 另外,此外___________ besides/ what’s more/ moreover 更糟/严重的是___________what’s worse/more serious 更重要的是____________ what’s more important is that… 结果_____________as a result/ therefore 我想 _____________It occurs/ occurred to me that… 也就是说___________ that’s to say/ in other words 说实话_____________to be frank/ to tell the truth 就象… ________just like … 就是因为… __________just because 不只是因为… __________not just because 或多或少_____________more or less  迟早____________sooner or later 为……树立榜样________________set a good example to … 代表某人_______________represent (v.) sb/ on behalf of sb(介短) 一方面…另一方面____________for one thing…for another 相反的____________on the contrary/ Instead 总之____________in conclusion/ in short/ in brief 最后但同等重要____________last but not least 比如____________ for example/ take … for example 如下____________as follows/ in the following ways 想当然地认为____________take it for granted that… 位于…____________be located in… 占地……____________cover an area of… 有…年历史____________own/have a history of…years 有…人口_______________________have a population of+数字 涉及…年历史____________cover a long period of…years 享有…的美誉______________enjoy the reputation of…  考取…大学______________be admitted to…university 读大学时主修______________When at college, he majored in… 出国深造_________________go abroad for further studies 他是…的骄傲___________He is the pride of … 被授予/被认为是..________________be honored/considered as 对……有耐心____________be patient with 对……很


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