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Unit 6 Text A 1.Pharmacy [fɑ:m?si] n.??药房,?药剂学 pharmacist 药剂师the art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines, Readily available in pharmacies; not requiring special preparation. 药房常备的不需特殊准备的; 药房常预备的Please go to emergency pharmacy for your medicines. 请到急诊药房取药。 2.dispense vt.??分发,?分配,?免除,?配(药) The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient 医生开处方给病人配药。 3.Prescription [priskrip??n] n.??处方,?药方,?对策 (para 1 line 2) His prescription for economic recovery was not well received 他为经济复苏提出的对策反应不佳。 4.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 注意力缺乏多动症(para 1 line 3) 5.Dose n.??剂量,?一剂,?一服(para 2 line 2) Give him the dose of his own medicine [谚]以其人之道还治其人之身。 6.Diabetes [.dai?bi:ti:z] n.??糖尿病(para 2 line 2) The poor old man was afflicted with diabetes. 那可怜的老人受到糖尿病的折磨。 7.Attorney professional person authorized to practice law n.??(辩护)律师(para 2 line 3) a professional person authorized to practice law 8.plummet n.?铅锤,?铅垂线vi. 垂直落下, 暴跌(para 2 line 5) House prices have plummeted in this area 此地房价大跌。 9.Transaction n.??交易,?办理,?处理,?(para 3 line 1) The transaction between them was dismissed 他们之间的交易告吹了。 10.Straightforward adj.??易懂的,?笔直的,?坦率的(para 3line 1) The instructions are reasonably straightforward. 用法说明还算简单易懂。 11.Margin n.??边缘,?余地,?幅度,?利润,?差额(para 7 line 6) The computer has been programmed (to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales) 计算机已输入了程序指令(以计算各项销售的毛利率). 12.Backdrop ?n背景幕,?背景(para 8 line 1) The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop 幕布在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕 短语: allergic reaction 过敏性反应(para 13 line 1) sensitive 敏感性的 sensible 明智的 Interaction n相互作用 (para 23 line 3) Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply 价格在供需的相互作用中形成 13.Alert adj.??警觉的,?灵敏的 n.??警戒,?警报(para 23 line 4) Although hes over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert 他虽已年过八十,但头脑仍然十分机敏。 14.Leaflet [li:flit] n 传单(para 24 line 1) They distributed leaflets to custo


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