A great one goes out in style, his own style词汇.doc

A great one goes out in style, his own style词汇.doc

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A great one goes out in style, his own style词汇

A great one goes out in style, his own style crave v.恳求, 渴望 to have an extremely strong desire for something elaborately adv.苦心经营地, 精巧地 an elaborately carved wooden statue fete n.庆祝, 祭祀, 节日 1 an outdoor event where there are competitions and things to eat and drink, usually organized to get money 2 a special occasion to celebrate something vt.宴请, 招待, 给予...巨大的荣誉 to honour someone by holding public celebrations for them Jolt v.摇晃 1 to move suddenly and roughly, or to make someone or something move in this way 2 to give someone a sudden shock or surprise n.颠簸;震摇 1 a sudden shock 2 a sudden rough shaking movement adrenaline n.[生化]肾上腺素 a chemical produced by your body when you are afraid, angry, or excited, which makes your heart beat faster dose n.剂量, (一)剂, (一)服 1 the amount of a medicine or a drug that you should take 2 an amount of something that you do or experience at one time, especially something unpleasant 3 like a dose of salts: very quickly and easily v.(给...)服药 to give someone medicine or a drug adulation n.奉承, 阿谀 praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve anticlimactic adj.[修辞]突降法的, 突减的(兴趣等), 虎头蛇尾的 praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve box up v.装箱, 困住 to put things in boxes examole: Want to help me box up the Christmas tree lights? jet n.喷射, 黑玉 1 a fast plane with a jet engine 2 a narrow stream of liquid or gas that comes quickly out of a small hole, or the hole itself 3 a hard black stone that is used for making jewellery v.喷射 1 to travel by plane, especially to many different places 2 if a liquid or gas jets out from somewhere, it comes quickly out of a small hole jet off: Were jetting off for a sunshine holiday in the Caribbean. steakhouse 牛排餐厅 a restaurant that serves steak bespeak v.预订 to be a sign of something adjective. a bespoke product, especially computer software or a piece of clothing, has been specially made for a particular customer n.(盛液体, 气体的大容器)桶、箱、罐、槽, 池塘, 坦克,


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