口译lesson 1.doc

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口译lesson 1

第一单元 口译理解 第一课 听取信息 I. Theory and Technique: Receiving Information II. Technique Training ? 1.1 三种错误的饭后习惯 ? 1.2 Why do we have eyebrows? III. Interpreting Exercise ? 1.3 US Vice President’s speech at Fudan University ? 1.4 王光亚在普林斯顿大学演讲的开场白 ? 1.5 Speech at inauguration of new facility IV. Interpretation-related culture: etiquette V. Everyday Accumulation: Cliché Part one. Receiving Information A. Difference between normal listening comprehension practice and the listening comprehension in interpretation The most basic difference is that in the normal listening comprehension practice, a listener is only asked to understand what he hears and make judgment, while in the interpreting environment, an interpreter is asked not only to understand but also to make logical analysis of what he hears and reorganize the information with his own words and express it through interpretation. 口译时译员要兼做编辑。这是什么意思呢?就是说译员在听清并理解了讲话人话后,要能够判断出哪些是他真正要讲的话,哪些是没用、重复罗嗦的废话,从而对其进行编辑处理。那么,这样做是否有悖于翻译忠实原则呢?否。因为,口语自有口语特点。讲话人在即席发言时,脑子里往往只有一个中心思想,但是具体表达和选词造句却是想到哪儿说到哪儿。就是说,口语不可能像书面语那样严谨,其中必然有一些重复、罗嗦废话。甚至有的讲话人本来就不善言辞,经常会说出一些不完整、不知所云的话。这种情况中国人有,外国人也有。这时,译员就要善于综合,要在不遗漏讲话基本内容前提下,敢于删掉那些废话,使译出的话语条理清楚。只有这样才能真正忠于讲话人精神实质。否则一味追求逐字逐句照译,反而会给人零乱、不忠感觉。 ? B. Technique Training a. Summarizing practice: After listening to a text (either in SL or TL), students are asked to summarize what he or she hears in the same language of the source text, which means if a student listens to a Chinese text, he is asked to do the summary in Chinese, and if it is in English, do it in English, so there is no listening barriers for Ss.? ??Tips for SP: ? 1) catch the logical structure of the source text: title of the text; topic sentence; narrating structure: time, direction, logical reasoning, etc; style of the text: narrative, illustrative, explanation, argument, story, etc. ? 2)get the trunk message (major idea) ? 3) be coherent (前后保持连贯一致) Sample practice one: 三种错误的饭后习惯(Three mistaken after-meal habits ) Practice pattern: 1) Ask Ss to jus


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