单词学案book1 unit4.doc

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单词学案book1 unit4

PAGE  2013英语课堂导学案提纲 编号:095 必修1(2015—00—00) 编制:英语组 执笔人:张晗 审核:英语组 PAGE  第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 ………………………………………装………………………………………订………………………………………线…………………………………… 一轮复习 Book1 Unit4 Earthquakes Period1 vocabulary 班级: 姓名: 小组: 评价: Learning goals: Master the usage of the important words. Key and difficult points: rise; burst; shock; bury; judge Learning methods: self-study, group work, repeating Step1. Lead-in (3mins) (Recite the words and check them.) injure vt. 伤害;损伤→ injury n. 伤害 →injured adj.受伤的 the injured伤员(一类人) useless adj. 无用的,无益的 →useful adj. 有用的 → use n. 用途,利用 rescue vt. 援救,营救 → rescuer n. 救援者 suffering n. 苦难,痛苦→ suffer v. 受苦,遭受痛苦 nation n. 国家,民族→ national adj. 国家的,民族的,人民的 shock vt./vi 使震惊,震动 → shock n. 休克,打击,震惊 shocked adj. 感到震惊的 →shocking adj. 令人震惊的 trap vt.使陷入困境 be trapped in 被困 →trap n. 陷阱,困境 frighten vt. 使惊吓,吓唬→ frightened adj. 感到害怕的 → frightening adj. 令人害怕的 Step2.Thinking (13mins) 【深入学习】 rise (rose, risen)vi. (太阳、月亮、物价) 上升 n. 上升,上涨 【词义辨析】 rise, raise, arise risevi.(日、月)升起;(物价)上升;起床、起身; 无被动语态rose, risenraisevt.举起,提出,饲养,种植,募集(钱财等)raised; raisedarisevi.呈现,出现,发生arose; arisen【直击高考】用rise, raise, arise的适当形式填空: ★1) He’s used to _________________early in the morning.(起床) ★2) Prices _________________/_________________sharply since last year.(提高) 3) Tom ________________his hand as if to say something.(举起) 4) A new difficulty has __________.(出现) 2. burst vi./ n. 爆裂;爆发 burst out crying/laughing = burst into tears/laughter 突然大哭/笑起来 burst with anger/grief/joy 勃然大怒/悲痛欲绝/乐不可支 burst into someplace 突然破门而入 1)(2013江西高考阅读理解A)The other two boys jumped up with fight, staring at Tom. Suddenly they burst out laughing. ★ 2)He burst with anger when he found out the truth. 3) He burst into the room. 3. ruin n. [U]废墟;毁灭;崩溃 [C](pl.) 废墟;遗迹


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