人工搬运 44.0 Manual lift practice.doc

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人工搬运 44.0 Manual lift practice

HSE DOCUMENT 健康、安全和环保文件 Shanghai SECCO Petrochemicals Company Limited 上海赛科石油化工有限公司 Integrated Project Management Team 一体化项目管理组 Caojing, Shanghai, P R China Document Title 文件名 MANUAL LIFT 人工搬运 PR-00-SIJ-SE-0044 A00 Approved 审批 P02 For Review 供审核 P01 For IPMT Review 供IPMT审核 P00 For Review 供审核 R.N 15/06/02 LYB 26/06/02 Issue Rev Issue or Revision Description Origin by Date Check by Date Approve by Date Approve by Date This Document is Owned by Michael Tousignant IPMT Authority Site Safety Practice 现场安全规定 MANUAL LIFT 人工搬运 INDEX 目录 INTRODUCTION 引言 AIM 目的 INTERPRETATION 解释 RECOMMENDED MANUAL LIFT PRACTICES 人工搬运物件方法 INTRODUCTION 引言 For convenience and speed many people will be tempted to lift a load manually which is too heavy or too awkwardly placed to be moved without causing damage to their backs. Handling loads is one of the major causes of industrial accidents. 为了图方便和快捷,许多人不管面前的东西有多沉,都试图用人拉肩扛的办法去搬动。结果,或者由于东西太重,或者由于放的地方太尴尬,不适宜人工搬动,反正,用足了十二分的劲,东西没搬成,反而把腰给扭了。实践表明,搬运重物的方法不当是导致工伤事故的主要原因之一。 AIM 目的 The aim of this practice is provide some useful guideline to those who plan and carry out manual lifting on SECCO Project site. 本规程的目的是希望对那些打算在赛科项目现场用手工搬运的员工提出一些建设性的指导意见。 INTERPRETATION 解释 3.1 Manual Handling Operations手工搬运的操作 Manual handling operations mean the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying, or moving of a load with hands or bodily force, by the effort of one or more workers. Manual handling also includes supporting a load in a static posture, by the hands, shoulder or any other part of the body. The effort may be applied directly to the load, or indirectly by hauling on a rope or pulling on a lever to support or move the load. Introducing mechanical assistance, for example a sack truck or powered hoist, may reduce but not eliminate manual handling since h


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