SAT GRE GMAT必备 kaplan500词.doc

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SAT GRE GMAT必备 kaplan500词

Abase: to humble; disgrace Abate: to reduce in amount, degree, or severity Abdicate: to give up a position, right, or power Aberrant: deviating from what is normal or expected Abeyance: temporary suppression or suspension Abjure: to reject; abandon formally Abscond: to leave secretly Abstain: to choose not to do something Abstemious: moderate in appetite Abyss: an extremely deep hole Accretion: a growth in size; an increase in amount Acidulous: sour in taste or manner Acme: highest point; summit; the highest level or degree attainable Adulterate: to make impure Advocate: to speak in favor of Aerie: a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling Aesthetic: concerning the appreciation of beauty Affected: phony; artificial Aggrandize: to increase in power, influence, and reputation Alacrity: speed or quickness Alleviate: to make more bearable Amalgamate: to combine; to mix together Ambiguous: doubtful or uncertain; can be interpreted several ways Ameliorate: to make better; to improve Amortize: to diminish by installment payments Amulet: ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits Anachronism: something out of place in time Analgesia: a lessening or pain without loss of consciousness Analogous: similar or alike in some way; equivalent to Anodyne: something that calms or soothes pain Anomaly: deviation from what is normal Antagonize: to annoy or provoke to anger Antipathy: extreme dislike Apathy: lack of interest or emotion Apocryphal: of questionable authority or authenticity Apostate: one who renounces a religious faith Approbation: approval and praise Arbitrary: determined by chance or impulse Arbitrate: to judge a dispute b/w two opposing parties Archaic: ancient; old-fashioned Ardor: intense and passionate feeling Arrogate: to claim without justification; to claim for oneself without right Articulate: able to speak clearly and expressively Assail: to attack; assault Assuage: to make something unpleasant less severe Attenuate: to reduce in for


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